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    1. The more I read the book,the more I liked it. 這本書我越看越喜歡。 2. The more difficult the questions are, the less likely he is able to answer them. 問題越難,他回答出來的可能性就越小。 3.The earlier you start,the sooner you’ll be back. 你出發得越早,回來得就越早。 “the + 比較級……,the + 比較級”……”是一個常用句型。 例如: The more you practise, the better you will speak english. 你練得越多,你英語就會講得越好。 The more I read the book,the more I liked it. 這本書我越看越喜歡。 在通常情況下,前一個“the + 比較級……”是狀語從句,後一個“the + 比較級………”是主句。即 The more you practise, the better you will speak English. (從句) (主句) The more I read the book, the more I liked it. (從句) (主句) 但這一句型有時會有變異,可將作狀語的“the + 比較級……”放到主句之 末。此時要注意結構變化,①主句不再將“the + 比較級”置於主語之前,而是 按正常的語序,如You will speak Englsh the better;②形容詞或副詞前常 省略不the,如 You will speak Englsh (the)better 。③ 移後的從句如 較短可不用短號與主句點開。 例如: The more you practise, the better you will speak English. You will speak English better the more you practise. 你練得越多,你英語就會講得越好。 The higher you climb, the farther you will see. You will see farther the higher you climb. 你爬得越高,看得越遠。 As we all know, the older one gets, the more precious time becomes to him. As we all know, time becomes more precious to him the older one gets. 眾所周知,一個人年齡越大,時間對他就越寶貴。 The longer she waited, the more impatient she became. She became more impatient the longer she waited. 她等得越久,顯得越是不耐煩。

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