  • 1 # 是罐罐兒丫



    These brands appeal to downscale shoppers who are looking for a low price.這些品牌迎合那些尋求低價的低端消費者。Effectiveness in these areas is often a good litmus test of overall quality.這些方面的效果往往能很好地反映出整體質量。These countries are so populous that they can have a very big footprint.這些國家人口過多,可能對環境造成巨大影響。For the sake of clarity, each of these strategies is dealt with separately.為清晰起見,每條策略分別處理。I have to look after these animals when you get tired of them.當你開始討厭這些動物時,我就得來照看它們。These men have been running the affairs of us plurals for thirty years.這些人管理我們黑人的事務已經有30年了。[ORIGIN: ironically (mocking official terminology), from Department of Plural Relations and Development.]These objects are the prototypes of a category of rapidly spinning neutron stars.這些天體是一類旋轉極快的中子星的原始型。The whys and wherefores of these procedures need to be explained to students.這些手續的緣由都必須一一解釋給學生聽。These plots are posited on a false premise about women"s nature as inferior.這些情節是建立在一個錯誤的前提之上的,那就是女人天生下等。I tremble to think that we could ever return to conditions like these.一想到我們可能重陷那種境地時,我就不寒而慄。拓展資料




    “this+one"s+ n. ”是一種簡潔的文體,有強調意味; “this+基數詞+時間名詞”表示一段時間。this可與of短語連用,後接名詞性物主代詞或名詞所有格。

    pron.(代詞)this用作代詞可用以指敘述中的人或事物,即指前面提到過的人或事物或下文提及的事物; this一般作主語時才指人; 在電話用語中, this用來指代自己。


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