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    Everyone has their own different life, each person"s life is different, the road will also be different.每個人都擁有自己不一樣的人生,每個人的人生不同,所走的路也會不同。

    Under the guidance of the society, parents urge, some people carry a desire for success, and walk along the road of others.在社會的呼喚指導下,在父母的鞭策,一些人懷揣著一顆渴望成功的心,沿著他人風風光光走過的路向前走去。

    Because there are successful people in front of them, so when they first set foot on this road, they are full of ambition and expect that they will succeed as they did before.因為前面有成功的人走過,所以初踏上這條路時,他們躊躇滿志,期待自己有像前人一樣的成功。

    But walking along, many people will find that this road, in fact, is not what the heart has imagined - the interest of others, in my opinion, is hard to go to the blue sky.但是走著走著,許多人會發現,這條路,其實並非心中所想象的那樣——別人興趣盎然的事,在我看來卻是難與上青天。

    As the saying goes: "all roads lead to Rome". There are tens of millions of roads to success. Finding a path that is really suitable for you and taking your own road is bound to encounter many setbacks.常言:“條條大路通羅馬”。成功的道路可以有千萬條,尋一條真正適合自己的路,走自己的路,難免遇到許多挫折。

    With a strong heart and a creed of victory, look for the road that belongs to you.帶著一顆堅強的心,懷著一種必勝的信條,去尋找那條屬於自己的大路吧!

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