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    1.當“嫁、娶”講時,可用marry,marry為及物動詞,後面直接加賓語(marry sb.).例如:Jane married Jone.珍妮嫁給了約翰.亦可用 to get married to (someone).例如:She got married to someone named Frank.她嫁給一個叫 Frank 的人.

    2.當“結婚”講時,marry為不及物動詞,尤其是在非正式英語中,一般用get married 或 be married,來表示結婚這件事.例如:My best friend got married last weekend.我最好的朋友上個週末結婚了.這兩個短語後又都可接介詞to+sb,表“和...結婚”.例如:She got married to a teacher./ She was married to a teacher.

    注:這裡我們一般不用get married with!這是習慣用法,約定俗成的.如果你非得用with,那就用marry的名詞形式marriage.例如:Her marriage with John is successful .她和約翰的婚姻是成功的.

    3.marry to,使用它時,一般用marry的引申意義,表把全部精力給予…….例如:He"s married to his work.他把全部精力都用在工作上了.

    4.有一個短語叫 to be married with children,是表示“已經結婚生子了”.例如:She"s married with children to Joey.她和 Joey 已經結婚,並有孩子了.還有一個短語為marry up with,表示“結合、配合”例如:Jordan was married up with a relation.喬丹和一個親戚結了婚.

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