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    My Best Teacher

    Among many teachers who have taught me from primary,Mr.Lin is the best,and I respect him most.

    Mr.Lin was my middle school teacher.He was about fifty,yet he looked more than sixty.There were many wrinkles in his long and thin face.His figure was slender,his hair snow-white and his eyes sharp and bright.

    Mr.Lin taught his students with great patience and kindness.Some-times he told us how to be a human as well as how to write and study.When we had done wrong,he advised us kindly instead of scolding us,So we respected him with all our hearts.

    I remember once,when we had a test on English,I had an idea of looking at the book secretly.Unfortunately my secret was discovered by Mr.Lin.He,took away my book and asked me to be honest.All the eyes of my classmates turned to look at me.I was too ashamed to say any-thing.

    When the school was over,I was alone in the classroom,thinking painfully about what I had done.Suddenly Mr.Lin called me at my back,my heart seemed jumping out of my mouth.I thought a shower of scolding would fall on me.But he said kindly to me and advised me to do good.I was moved by his kind advice,and made up my mind not to do it again.

    Six years had gone,but Mr.Lin"s words were still in my mind.





    林老師教學生很耐心而且和藹。他經常教導我們應如何做人以及怎樣寫作和學習。 當我們犯錯誤的時候,他和藹地勸告我們而不是責備我們。 所以我們打心眼裡尊敬他。

    我記得有一次我們英語考試時,我想偷偷地看書。 不幸的是我的秘密被林老師發現了。他拿走了我的書並告訴我要誠實。同學們的眼睛都轉向我。 我慚愧得說不出話來。



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