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    致橡樹 To the Oak Tree

    我如果愛你—— If I love you --

    絕不像攀援的凌霄花 I will never be a clinging trumpet creeper

    借你的高枝炫耀自己 Using your high boughs to show off my height

    我如果愛你—— If I love you --

    絕不學痴情的鳥兒 I will never be a spoony bird

    為綠蔭重複單調的歌曲 Repeating a monotonous song for green shade

    也不止像泉源 Or be a spring

    常年送來清涼的慰藉 Bringing cool solace all year long

    也不止像險峰 Or be a steep peak

    增加你的高度,襯托你的威儀 Increasing your stature, reflecting your eminence

    甚至日光 Even the sunlight

    甚至春雨 Even the spring rain

    不,這些都還不夠 No, all these are not enough

    我必須是你近旁的一株木棉 I must be a ceiba tree beside you

    作為樹的形象和你站在一起 Be the image of a tree standing together with you

    根,緊握在地下 Our roots, entwined underground

    葉,相觸在雲裡 Our leaves, touching in the clouds

    每一陣風過 With each gust of wind

    我們都互相致意 We greet each other

    但沒有人 But nobody

    聽懂我們的言語 Can understand our words

    你有你的銅枝鐵幹 You"ll have your copper branches and iron trunk

    像刀、像劍,也像戟 Like knives, like swords, like halberds, too

    我有我的紅碩花朵 I"ll have my crimson flowers

    像沉重的嘆息 Like heavy sighs

    又像英勇的火炬 And valiant torches

    我們分擔寒潮、風雷、霹靂 We"ll share cold spells, storms and thunder

    我們共享霧靄、流嵐、虹霓 We"ll share mists, hazes and rainbows

    彷彿永遠分離 Seemingly always apart

    卻又終身相依 But also forever interdependent

    這才是偉大的愛情 Only this can be great love

    堅貞就在這裡 The loyalty is here

    愛—— Love --

    不僅愛你偉岸的身軀 I love not only your strapping stature

    也愛你堅持的位置,足下的土地 But also your firm stand, the earth beneath you

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