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    From my own personal experience, the quotation that "no task is too hard, no amount of preparation is too long or too difficult" is the best description of my success.

    One year ago, I was a college student busy in adapting to the various environments. With an aim to enrich my college life, I applied for a position in the Students’Union and fortunately I was accepted. However,I underestimated how trivial and burdensome the work would be, which even precluded me from maintaining a normal pace of life. A full course schedule, high piles of assignments,and the work of collecting information assigned by the Students’ Union made me almost believe that I was doomed to failure. During the whole week, I carried out everything with conviction. I set priorities and squeezed every minute to fulfill the tasks. To my surprise, I eventually finished all assignments on time and even perfectly. From then on, I realized that learning to balance time in the pursuit of goals acted as a crucial vote on our success.

    All in all, from my own standpoint, the key to success is the conviction. Apart from the persistence and other aspects for the reason of success, conviction that we believe we can accomplish things greatly is the spur that pushes us forward, transcends any handicap, accomplishes any feat and finally achieves success. We are all supposed to be completely absorbed in preparing for our future, preparing to attain success.

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