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    Located 25 kilometers north of Lijiang, Yulong Snow Mountain is the southernmost snow-capped mountain in China, and the ocean glacier nearest to the equator of all the snow mountains in Eurasia. 玉龍雪山位於麗江以北25公里,是中國最南方的雪山,其海洋性冰川是歐亞大陸雪山中最靠近赤道的。   In recent years, due to the increased quantity of ice melting, the glacial tongue of Yulong Snow Mountain has withdrawn along with reduced glacial area and raised the snow line. The retraction of the glacier was as much as 100 meters during the five years from 1998 to 2002. Its thickness and snowy areas also decreased during the same period. 近年來,因為冰層融化逐漸加劇,玉龍雪山的冰川舌隨著冰川區域的減少而不斷縮減並使雪線不斷上升。冰川在1998至2002年的5年時間裡縮減了100米,期間積雪厚度和積雪區域也在不斷減少。   The main cause to the glacier retraction in Yulong Snow Mountain is global warming, according to He Yuanqing, an expert from Chinese Academy of Science. 據中科院專家何元慶介紹,全球變暖是玉龍雪山冰川縮減的主要原因。   Yulong Snow Mountain has 13 peaks, stretching 35 kilometers from north to south. Shanzidou, the main peak, is 5,596 meters above sea level. 玉龍雪山有13座山峰,由北至南綿延35公里,主峰扇子陡海拔5596米。   Neighboring the famous ancient town of Lijiang, Yulong Snow Mountain is a popular tourist destination in Yunnan province. It is the one and only place you can ski in South China. 毗鄰歷史名鎮麗江,玉龍雪山是雲南省的旅遊勝地,是你在中國南方唯一可以滑雪的地方。   All year around, snow falls on the peaks and which are frequently lost in the clouds and fog. Looking from a distance, the mountain resembles a Jade Dragon (Yulong), which is how it got its name. 玉龍雪山長年降雪,山峰在雲霧間時隱時現。遠遠望去,像一條玉色巨龍(玉龍),是其名字的由來。

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