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    Some people may often complain that they are too weak to continue their work or study. Why?Because they haven"t formed healthy habits at ordinary times,which results in their weakness.However,what are healthy habits?I would like to tell you something as follows.

    First,you should have three healthy and delicious meals every day,eating some eggs ,meat,fish,fresh vegetable and fruit so that you can get enough protein and vitamin C that is essential to your metabolism.You"d better drink milk every day because milk can make your bone strong.What"s more,you should say "No" to junk food because it is bad for your health.Also you should drink enough water before you feel thirsty instead of hurrying to drink water when you nearly die of thirst.

    Second,you should go to bed early and get up early .If the environment permits,you may have a nap when you feel too tired to go on with your work or study.Take Napoleon for example,he spent most of his lifetime on busy war,yet he kept vigorous all the time because he always had a nap by taking advantage of any time that could be spared so that he could recover vigor from fatigue.

    Third,you should often have sports so that you can keep fit.Regular physical education can speed up the metabolism of your cells.

    Fouth,you should keep yourself away from cigarette.It"s well known that cigarette has many kinds of harmful chemical materials that can threat your health ,such as monoxide,nicotine,alkaloid and so on.

    Firth,you shouldn"t watch TV when you are having a meal,or it can interfere with your digestion.

    Some people may put up more measures about healthy habits in details.Yet,if you can follow my advice I have put forward above,keeping fit is out of question.








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