  • 1 # 火箭熱點

    《不曾走向自己 I"ve never been to me》

    嘿女郎,你啊女郎,你對生命充滿怨恨Hey lady, you, lady, cursing at your life

    你是個不滿現實的母親,是個失去自由的妻子You"re a discontented mother and a regimented wife

    我深信你夢想著那些你永遠不可能做的事I"ve no doubt you dream about the things you"ll never do

    我真希望有人曾經告訴我現在我想告訴你的事But I wish someone had talked to me like I wanna talk to you

    我曾到過喬治亞到過加州還有任何我可以去的地方I"ve been to Georgia and California, anywhere I could run

    我曾牽過一個傳教士的手然後我們在Sunny下親密纏綿Took the hand of a preachman and we made love in the sun

    而今我再也無處可去也沒有和善的朋友 But I ran out of places and friendly faces

    因為當初我執著自由Because I had to be free

    我曾經到過天堂,但我不曾走向自己 I"ve been to paradise, but I"ve never been to me

    求求你,女郎求求你,別就這樣走開 Please lady, please, lady, don"t just walk away

    因為我好想告訴你,為何現在我是如此孤單 Cause I have this need to tell you why I"m all alone today

    我見到你眼裡活躍著太多過去的我 I can see so much of me still living in your eyes

    來分享吧我這倦怠的心Won"t you share a part of a weary heart

    曾經活在無數謊言的心 that has lived a million lies

    我曾來到尼斯和希臘小島I"ve been to Nice and the isle of Greece

    在遊艇上淺嘗香檳While I sipped champagne on a yacht

    我曾在蒙地卡羅如哈露般招展,向人炫耀我的本錢 I moved like Harlow in Monte Carlo and showed "em what I"ve got

    我曾被帝王寬衣解帶I"ve been undressed by kings

    見識好些女人不該看的事情 And I"ve seen some things that a woman ain"t supposed to see

    我曾經到過天堂 I"ve been to paradise

    但我不曾走向自己But I"ve never been to me

    (口白 spoken)

    嘿,你知道天堂是什麼?那是個謊言Hey, you know what paradise is? It"s a lie

    是我們依照理想中的人和地產生的幻想A fantasy we create about people and places as we"d like them to be

    但你知道真實是什麼嗎But you know what truth is?

    是你懷中抱著的小寶寶 It"s that little baby you"re holding,

    是你今天早上跟他吵架的男人 And it"s that man you fought with this morning,

    那個今晚又將與他親密纏綿的同一個男人the same one you"re going to make love with tonight

    那就是真實,那就是愛That"s truth, that"s love

    有時候我為那再無法誕生的孩子哭泣Sometimes I"ve been to crying for unborn children

    他們本來可以完美我的人生that might have made me complete

    而我,我選擇了甜蜜的生活But I, I took the sweet life

    不曾知道有一天我會因甜而苦 And never knew I"d be bitter from the sweet

    浪費了生命我探索濫情的自由I spent my life exploring the subtle whoring

    為此我付出太多代價that cost too much to be free

    嘿女郎,我曾經到過天堂Hey lady, I"ve been to paradise

    但我不曾走向自己But I"ve never been to me

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