  • 1 # 遇蘆

     I love U -Caron Nightingale  【我愛你】  I have a smile  我的微笑  stretched from ear to ear  延伸在我們的雙耳之間  to see you walking down the road  看見你在路上行走  we meet at the lights  我們在燈下相遇  I stare for a while  我凝視著你  the world around us disappears  周圍的一切漸漸消失  it"s just you and me  僅有你和我  on my island of hope  在我的希望之島上  a breath between us could be miles  彼此間的呼吸纏綿千里  let me surround you  讓我在你身邊  my sea to your shore  我是海,你是岸  let me be the calm you seek  讓我成為你尋找的那份平靜  oh and every time I"m close to you  每當我在你身邊  there"s too much I can"t say  有太多話難以言喻  and you just walk away  於是,你掉頭離開  and I forgot to tell you I love you  於是,我甚至忘記對你說 我愛你  and the night"s too long  於是,長夜漫漫無盡頭  and cold here without you  於是,我孑然一身  I grieve in my condition  我對自己感到無限悲傷  for I cannot find the words to say i need you so  因為我無法恰當的表述 我如此的需要你  oh and every time I"m close to you  每當我在你身邊  there"s too much I can"t say  有太多話難以言喻  and you just walk away  於是,你掉頭離開  and I forgot to tell you I love you  於是,我甚至忘記對你說 我愛你  I love you and the night"s  我愛你,  too long and cold here without you  沒有你的相伴,夜晚更加寒冷,看不到盡頭  I grieve in my condition  我黯然神傷  for I cannot find the words to say I need you so  因為我無法用恰當的言語 告訴你 我是如此的需要你

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 泡沫珠珠釣魚原理?