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    意思Meaning: Its source is Christina, an English name meaning "Christ"s follower."

    語言Languages: This girl"s name is used in English, Norwegian, Swedish and Danish.

    是……的外號Nickname For: Augustina, Bettina, Christina, Martina, Santina and Laurentina

    外號Nicknames: Tineke

    Compound Forms: Shaunteena and Shawntina

    其他拼法Alternative Spellings: Teena, Tena and Tinah

    Variant Forms: Latina and Taina

    Non-English Forms: Tine and Tiina

    歡迎程度Popularity: The name Tina ranked 639th in popularity for females of all ages in a sample of 2000-2003 Social Security Administration statistics and 92nd in popularity for females of all ages in a sample of the 1990 US Census.

    This name first made its appearance on state popularity lists before 1993, but is becoming less commonly used. In some cases, it has fallen off the lists altogether.

    來源Narrative: Other names for which Tina serves as a nickname include Bettina, Martina and Augustina. It began to appear as an independent name at the beginning of the 20th century, reaching its peak in the 1960s.

    Tina is essentially an ornament, with no intrinsic meaning. Other such ornaments that have developed into independent names include Nita (from Anita and others) and Rita (from Margarita).

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