  • 1 # 不見bye

    1、主語從句:在複合句中起主語作用的句子被稱為主語從句,通常有這些連詞連線,that / whether / if /, 連線代詞who ,whose , what, which 或連線副詞when , where , why , how ,等引出。如:

    Whether we can reduce the use of energy is important.我們是否能減少能量消耗是最重要的。

    分析:這個句子是一個明顯的主語從句,句子中的whether we canreduce the use of energy 則充當主語,它以一個句子的形式充當主語。

    2、表語從句:在複合句中起表語作用的句子稱為表語從句,表語從句也由從屬連詞that ,whether[that 可省略],連線代詞who , whose , what , which , 或者連線副詞when , where , where , why , how等引出。如:

    The trouble is where the lost wallet can be found。麻煩的是遺失的錢包到哪裡才能才能找到。

    分析句子中where the lost wallet can be found在is的後面表示為聯絡動詞後的句子,為表語,所以充當表語叢句,在這裡也看到了is這中形式,但它不表現為主語從句,因為他頭輕腳重。

    3、賓語從句: 由從屬連詞that ,whether / if 引導的叢句,that 此時無詞意,常用在動詞後。

    Do you know why winter is colder than summer?你知道為什麼冬季比夏季冷嗎?

    He said he had finished his studies when the war broke out.他說戰爭爆發時,他已經完成了學業。


    I don"t know if/whether I should tell you.不知我是否應告訴你。

    Everything depends on whether we have enough experience.一切都取決於我們是否有足夠的經驗。


    I promised that if anyone could set me free,I would make him king over the earth.曾許諾如果有人把我放了,我就讓他成為全世界的國王。


    He said that that was a good idea.他說那是個好主意。


    “I"m sorry to tell you,”he said,“that you didn"t watch carefully enough what I did.”我很遺憾的告訴大家,你們沒有仔細觀察我所做的一切。


    e.g. The foreign visitors took a lot of pictures when they were at the Great Wall.

    e.g.I didn"t realize how special my mother was until I became an adult.



    I是句子主語, didn"t realize 是謂語,how special my mother was是賓語從句, until I became an adult.時間狀語從句。

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