  • 1 # 使用者3017290167671

    一、今天惡龍沒來 騎士也沒來over! 迪士尼公主殿下 請跟我回城堡。

    Today, the dragon did not come, nor did the knight come over! Princess Disney, please follow me back to the castle.

    二、你裙子怎麼穿的 頭髮怎麼盤的 你眉毛怎麼彎的 記不清你所以要見你。

    How do you wear your skirt, how do you curl your hair, how do you bend your eyebrows, so I want to see you.

    三、每個女孩子都是由糖和香料, 以及一切美好的東西做成的, 僅比天使差一點。

    Every girl is made of sugar and spices, and all good things, only a little worse than an angel.

    四、今天才出來玩一下就被迪士尼帶回城堡了我什麼時候能有自由啊 苦惱誒 每天坐在金碧輝煌的宮殿吃著精緻的小糕點真的好無聊哦。

    I just came out to play today and was brought back to the castle by Disney. When can I be free? I feel miserable. It"s really boring to sit in a resplendent palace and eat delicate cakes every day.

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