Roronoya Sauron, a character in the Japanese manga "The Sailor King" and its spinoffs. The combatants of the "Straw Hat Gang" were known as "Thief Hunters". One of the 11 supernovas that made landfall on Shampoo Islands two years ago. It was also known as one of the "most evil generations".
Donghai shuangyue village born, is the use of three sword fighting three sword flow swordsman. Aspire to become the world"s largest sword master. Then join the "Straw Hat Gang" and sail with the "Straw Hat Gang" to become the world"s largest sword master.
Roronoya Sauron, a character in the Japanese manga "The Sailor King" and its spinoffs. The combatants of the "Straw Hat Gang" were known as "Thief Hunters". One of the 11 supernovas that made landfall on Shampoo Islands two years ago. It was also known as one of the "most evil generations".
Donghai shuangyue village born, is the use of three sword fighting three sword flow swordsman. Aspire to become the world"s largest sword master. Then join the "Straw Hat Gang" and sail with the "Straw Hat Gang" to become the world"s largest sword master.