如何回答天氣通常情況下是這種句型: It is + adjective OR It is + verb-ing
It is + adjective = A description of the weather 天氣的描述
· It is sunny today. 今天Sunny燦爛。
· It"s hot and humid today.今天悶熱潮溼。
我們也可以說We can also say:句型:It is a + adjective + day (or morning/afternoon/night)加早中晚
· It"s a fine day.今天天氣不錯。
· It"s a windy afternoon.今天風大。
句型It is + verb-ing = This type of weather is happening now.描述的是怎麼持續的天氣。
· It"s drizzling outside.外面在下毛毛雨。
· Take an umbrella, it"s raining.帶把傘,外面在下雨。
It is 也可以用過去式,將來時。You can also use it is in different tenses
· It was cold yesterday.昨天好冷啊。
· It will be cloudy tomorrow.明天多雲。
當你學習天氣的詞彙時,要注意單詞的詞性,它可以是名字,動詞,也可以是形容詞。When you are learning vocabulary about the weather, it is important to remember that some of the words have a noun form, a verb form and/or an adjective form. For example:
· Rain: (noun) The game was cancelled because of the rain. 名詞
· Rain: (verb) I think it is going to rain later.動詞
如何詢問天氣Questions about the weather
People commonly ask about the weather by saying:
· What"s it like out(side)?
· How"s the weather?
· What"s the weather like?
· What"s the weather forecast?
如何回答天氣通常情況下是這種句型: It is + adjective OR It is + verb-ing
It is + adjective = A description of the weather 天氣的描述
· It is sunny today. 今天Sunny燦爛。
· It"s hot and humid today.今天悶熱潮溼。
我們也可以說We can also say:句型:It is a + adjective + day (or morning/afternoon/night)加早中晚
· It"s a fine day.今天天氣不錯。
· It"s a windy afternoon.今天風大。
句型It is + verb-ing = This type of weather is happening now.描述的是怎麼持續的天氣。
· It"s drizzling outside.外面在下毛毛雨。
· Take an umbrella, it"s raining.帶把傘,外面在下雨。
It is 也可以用過去式,將來時。You can also use it is in different tenses
· It was cold yesterday.昨天好冷啊。
· It will be cloudy tomorrow.明天多雲。
當你學習天氣的詞彙時,要注意單詞的詞性,它可以是名字,動詞,也可以是形容詞。When you are learning vocabulary about the weather, it is important to remember that some of the words have a noun form, a verb form and/or an adjective form. For example:
· Rain: (noun) The game was cancelled because of the rain. 名詞
· Rain: (verb) I think it is going to rain later.動詞
· Rainy: (adjective) It"s a rainy day.形容詞
Nouns and Adjectives 常見天氣的動詞和形容詞。
· rain (noun) - rainy (adjective)
· sun (noun) - sunny (adjective)
· wind (noun) - windy (adjective)
· cloud (noun) - cloudy (adjective)
· fog (noun) - foggy (adjective)