  • 1 # 超級敵敵小西瓜

    I remember the first time I make the speech is so nervous that I can"t control myself.

    at before,my teacher wanna let some students to take the competition of speech of our school,in that i wanna lets myself exercise my power of courage,So,I apply it.

    Wow!I don"t freaking believe I did it.So,I prepare the speech before competition carefully, I find the information of speech in network,I practise the process of speech day n night.

    With the competition day coming,I feel nervous and nervous,I can"t control my body when judge ask me begin the speech,seriously,I wanna go to hell.at before there is nothing in my mind,this blank.but time passed by a second,I feel better,I think it is unnecessary I feel nevers,wow! amazing~it"s so irritative,and I think I fall in love with it.

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