  • 1 # 小楊阿

    They should be volunteering to provide support and expertise. 人們應該去提供資金和技術。For example, if you"re a guy, you don"t to be volunteering as a firefighter because there is a very little chance that you will find a woman there. 比如,你是個男生,你大可不必志願去做消防員,因為你能找到女生的機會是微乎其微。Although I haven"t take any Education class yet, the Art Education Outreach Program I am volunteering now has taught me a lot about education. 儘管我目前還沒上過“教育”專業的課,現在在做的一個藝術教育的志願活動教給了我不少關於“教育”的知識。Today, I was volunteering at a zoo event for special needs kids. 今天我到動物園去當志願者給殘疾兒童做志願者。Today, I was volunteering at a nursing home. 今天我在一家療養院做義工。

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