  • 1 # 時光如遷

    關係好:with good connection;

    關係不好:have a hard time with somebody;

  • 2 # 鹹菜的故事

    get along well with sb.(關係好)

    have a bad relationship with sb.(關係不好)

  • 3 # Dovehan

    We are getting along/on well with each other. We are on good terms.

  • 4 # 使用者3768701252890

    與.……關係好:have a good relationship with sb

    或get along/on well with sb

    與……關係不好:have a bad relatinship with

    sb或者說:not get along /on well with sb

  • 5 # 星火英語

    the positive form:

    I get along with...


    the negative form:

    I don"t get along with...


  • 6 # 胖胖的小螞蟻

    這個不同的語境有不同的表達方式。例如we are good friends. I know about him/her but we don"t know each other.


  • 7 # 王漢超暱稱微塵


    好的,恕不再贅言,還是回到今天的正題上來吧!關於說到這“關係好”該“如何用英語表達?”的話題,那如果是說到愛侶方面的話,竊以為如“心心相印(heart and soul are inseparable)、形影不離(affection is like the sea)、情深似海(liver and gall are like each other)、如膠似膝(such as glue knee)、親蜜無間(intimacy)”等等;如果是說到友情方面的話,竊以為如“肝膽相照(get along with each other day and night)、朝夕相處(such as glue knee, eight worship friendship)、八拜之交(eight worship friendship)、如影隨形(such as shadow, affection)、深情厚意(sympathy)、情同手足(brotherhood)等等。

    之於說到”關係不好“該”如何用英語表達?”的話題,竊以為如“泛泛之交(extensive acquaintances)、反目成仇(enemies against one"s eyes)、貌合神離(alienation from the other"s gods)、割袍斷義(severance of one"s robes)、視同水火(identification with water and fire)、不共戴天(not sharing the sky)、狹路相逢(meeting in narrow paths)、分席而坐(sitting in separate seats)”等等。

  • 8 # Mica學英語

    “關係好”和“關係不好”的英語表達除了“get along with sb”與“be on good/friendly/bad terms with sb”之外還補充幾個:

    1. have a good/friendly/bad relationship with sb 和某人關係好/友好/不好

    2. A and B are such close friends. A和B是好友;這裡close的反義詞可以用estranged表示“疏遠的,分手的”。be estranged from sb: no longer friendly, loyal or in contact with sb

    e.g. She became estranged from him after that argue. 那場爭吵之後,她和他便疏遠了。

    3. be compatible with sb 與某人關係好/相處融洽;compatible的反義詞是incompatible,所以be incompatible with sb 表示“和某人關係不融洽”

    4. 志同道合的人

    -kindred spirits

    -someone who speaks one’s language

    -talk/speak the same language

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