  • 1 # 閬中白


    sometimes I lay under the moon 有時我躺在月光下

    and thank God I"m breathing 慶幸自己還活著

    then I pray 接著我就祈禱

    don"t take me soon 別讓我這麼快地離開

    cause i"m here for a reason 因為我的存在是有理由的

    sometimes in my tears I drown 有時淚水會淹沒自己

    but I never let it get me down 但它從來沒有使我沮喪

    so when negativity surrounds 因此處在逆境時

    I know some day it"ll all turn around 我相信終有一天會好轉的

    because 因為

    all my live I"ve been waiting for 有生以來我就一直在等待

    I"ve been praying for 一直在祈禱

    for the people to say 祈禱人們說出

    that we dont wanna fight no more 我們不想再爭鬥了

    they"ll be no more wars 不會再有戰爭了

    and our children will play 我們的孩子在一起玩

    one day x6 有一天,終會有那麼一天,

    it"s not about

    win or lose 不會再有輸贏

    we all lose

    when they feed on the souls of the innocent 當我們吞噬著無辜的心靈

    blood drenched pavement 血漫街道時我們都會輸

    keep on moving though the waters stay raging 縱使波濤洶湧仍要勇敢前行

    in this maze you can lose your way (your way) 你可能會在這個迷宮中迷失

    it might drive you crazy but don’t let it faze you no way (no way) 這可能會讓你抓狂但不要被逼上絕路

    sometimes in my tears I drown 有時淚水會淹沒自己

    but I never let it get me down 但它從來沒有使我沮喪

    so when negativity surrounds 因此處在逆境時

    I know some day it"ll all turn around 我相信終有一天會好轉的

    because 因為

    all my live I"ve been waiting for 有生以來我就一直在等待

    I"ve been praying for 一直在祈禱

    for the people to say 祈禱人們說出

    that we dont wanna fight no more 我們不想再爭鬥了

    they"ll be no more wars 不會再有戰爭了

    and our children will play 我們的孩子在一起玩

    one day x6 有一天,終會有那麼一天,

    one day this all will change 一切都會改變

    treat people the same 人人平等

    stop with the violence 暴力消失

    down with the hate 怨恨不再

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