  • 1 # 小咔咔啊

    電影《致命羅密歐》的主題曲是《Try Again》。

    《Try Again》





    What would you do

    To get to me

    What would you say

    To have your way

    Would you give up

    Or try again

    If I hesitate

    To let you win

    Or would you be yourself

    Or play your role

    Tell all the boys

    Or keep it low

    If I say no

    Would you turn away

    Or play me off

    Or would you stay

    If at first you don"t succeed

    Dust yourself off and try it again

    You can dust it off and try it again

    If at first you don"t succeed

    Dust yourself off and try it again

    You can dust it off and try it again

    I went to you

    You went to me

    But I cant let it go

    So easily

    Not "til I see

    What this could be

    Be eternity

    Or just a week

    Your chemistry

    Is off the change

    Is perfect now

    But will it change

    This aint a yes

    This aint a no

    Just do your thang

    If at first you don"t succeed

    Dust yourself off and try it again

    You can dust it off and try it again

    If at first you don"t succeed

    Dust yourself off and try it again

    You can dust it off and try it again

    If you dont wanna throw it all away

    Might be shy on the first date

    What about the next date

    um, um, um, um

    If you dont wanna throw it all away

    You might be buggin" on the first date

    But what about the next date

    um, um, um, um

    If at first you don"t succeed

    Dust yourself off and try it again

    You can dust it off and try it again

    If at first you don"t succeed

    Dust yourself off and try it again

    You can dust it off and try it again

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