  • 1 # 徐州百事可樂


    1. The man cooks. 男人做飯。

    2.The sun is shining brightly. 太陽在明亮地照耀著。

    3.We all breathe, eat, and drink. 我們呼吸、吃和喝。


    1.What he wants to tell us is not clear. 他要跟我們說什麼,還不清楚。

    2.Whether there is life on the moon is an interesting question. 月球上有沒有生命是個有趣的問題。

    3.We 碃定百剮知溉版稅保粳don’t think you are here. 我們認為你不在這。


    1.句子的基本結構是:主謂賓(或許還有 補語、定語、狀語、表語)要學會找句子主幹。


    3.簡單句:有一套主謂賓的句子。如:It will not happen again.


    5.主語從句:如果主語是有句子充當的,就是主語從句。如:That I am late for school will not happen again. 賓語從句 如:Mr. Wang knew that I was late again.

    6.定語從句: I was late for school, which is known to all.

    7.狀語從句:I was late for school again because John stopped me on my way to school.

    8.並列句:就是句子有2套或者2套以上的主謂賓。 A句 and/but B 句 的形式。

    I am from China, and he is from the U.S。

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