  • 1 # 愛大海的聲音


    1.I will go to play with Bob.  我將和Bob一起去玩。  

    2.He will have a sister.  不久他將有個姐姐。  

    3.She will buy a book.  她將買一本書。  

    4.In her will she left all her money to her children.  她在遺囑中將其所有的錢留給子女。  

    5.They bear you no ill will.  他們對你並無惡意。  

    6.I know he will be OK soon.  我瞭解到他很快就會好。  

    7. He will be home at six.  他六點回家。  

    8. You will come, won"t you?  你會來的,是不是?  

    9. These things will happen.  這種事總是要發生的。  

    10. This auditorium will seat one thousand people.  這個禮堂能容納一千人  

    11. This will be the house you"re looking for.  這大概就是你找的那所房子了。  

    12. No one will leave the examination room before ten o"clock.  十點以前誰也不能離開考場。  

    13.I tried with all my might to will him to say no.  我竭盡全力想使他說不。  

    14. He willed his house to his nephew.  他立下遺囑,把房子留給侄子。  

    15. Jim has a strong will.  吉姆是個意志堅強的人。

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