  • 1 # 笑談教育

    Once upon a time there was a mountain and a small temple on the mountain. One day a little monk came to the temple。

    He carries water, chants sutras and knocks on wooden fish every day, fills the water bottle on the Bodhisattva desk, and keeps rats from stealing things at night, so that he can live a safe and comfortable life。


    Soon, another thin monk came to the temple. He drank half a vat of water as soon as he came. The little monk asked him to fetch water。

    The thin monk first went to fetch water. But later, when he saw the little monk in the temple idly and freely thinking that it was too bad for him to carry water alone, he asked the little monk to carry water with him。

    不久,廟裡又來了個瘦和尚。他一來就喝掉半缸水。小和尚叫他去挑水,瘦和尚最初去挑水了,但是後來看到小和尚在廟裡清閒自在心想一個人去挑水太吃虧了 ,便要小和尚和他一起去抬水。

    Two people can only carry one bucket, and the bucket must be placed in the center of the burden, so they can feel at ease. So there"s still water to drink。

    The relationship between the two has also been frozen. Later, a fat monk came. He also wanted to drink water, but there was no water in the jar。


    The skinny little monk asked him to pick it up. The fat monk took a load of water and drank it all by himself. Since then, no one carries water, and the three monks have no water to drink。


    Everyone recites their sutras, knocks on their wooden fish, and eventually drinks up the water in the water bottle in front of the Bodhisattva。

    No one adds water, and the flowers and plants wither. At night the mice come out to steal, nobody cares。


    As a result, rats ran rampant, overturned the candlestick and set off a fire. Only then did the three monks work together to fight the fire。

    The fire was put out and they were awakened. Since then, the three monks have worked together to make more water。

    結果老鼠猖獗,打翻燭臺,燃起大火。三個和尚這才一起奮力救火 ,大火撲滅了,他們也覺醒了。從此三個和尚齊心協力,水自然就更多了。

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