  • 1 # kf好的好的好

    我最討厭的一件事One thing I hate most我最討厭的一件事莫過於各種各樣的測試了.臨近考試,三天一小考,五天一大考,煩都要煩死了!One thing I hate most is all kinds of test. Near the exam, three days quizzes and final exam for five days, bother to tired!  今天是離期末考試還有二十幾天.第一節課是語文課,語文老師一走進來,手中就揚著一疊語文試卷說:“今天這二節課考語文!”我們全班一陣哀嚎.沒辦法,考唄!耶!經過一輪跟題目的苦戰,終於解放了!Today is 20 days from the final exam. The first lesson is a language lesson, a Chinese teacher came in, hands with a pile of Chinese paper said: "today the second class test language!" We the class a whine. Can"t, take an examination of bai! Yeah! After a tough battle with the topic, finally liberated!  第三節課是數學課,老師前腳剛進來!我們全體暈倒,為什麼啊?還能為什麼,數學老師手中又舉著一疊數學試卷笑眯眯地說:“快考試了,今天來練練手測試測試.”唉!36+58×26、лr2h、(57-23)×6÷2……又是一輪苦戰啊……The third lesson is a math class, the teacher your front foot just come in! Faint all of us, why? For what, the math teacher hands holding a pile of math exam papers and smiling again and said: "the exam is coming soon, to the headphones test test today." alas! 58 x 26, 36 + л r2h, (57-23) x 6 present 2... Another round of tough...  到了下午,本是體育課,以為可以好好玩玩的,好好放鬆放鬆的.沒想到在上課之後,英語老師趁機而入,說:“同學們,這節課改考英語,測試一下,體育課不上了.”這訊息就像晴天裡打了個響霹靂!我們的心情一下子跌到谷底,滿是氣憤地坐在座位上.Oh——My——god!好難啊!什麼什麼“strong”、“thin”啊!煩死了……苦戰ing……In the afternoon, this is physical education, thought can play, have a good relax. I didn"t think, after class, English teacher take in and said: "the classmates, this class to take an examination of English, test, and physical education." in the news like a made a loud bang! Our mood suddenly fell to the bottom, is full of angry to sit on the seat. Oh, My god! Good hard ah! What "strong", "thin"! Tired...... Bitter ing...  啊!解放了!終於到放學了,嘻嘻——可以回家吹空調玩電腦咯!沒想到,班主任老師突然漫不經心地說了一句:“今天的家庭作業,語文2張測試卷、數學1張測試卷、英語2張測試卷,作業不多,請同學們用心做.”啊?什麼?這麼多測試卷!會做死人的!老師,手下留情啊!一陣哭嚎聲……今天晚上不到12點是別想睡覺了.Ah! Liberation! Finally to the school, hee hee, may go home blow air conditioning to play computer cough up! Unexpectedly, the teacher in charge teacher suddenly casually said 1: "today"s homework, Chinese 2 test, mathematics, English test (2 card 1 test, homework is not much, please do it with all your heart."? What? So many test! Do the dead! The teacher, a hand! A wailing sound... Today, less than 12 point is don"t want to go to bed at night.  第二天,我們帶著熊貓眼來到學校,老師上課的第一句話是:“同學們今天搞個小測試……”The next day, we came to school with a panda eye, the teacher in class the first sentence is: "the classmates have a small test today..."  Oh——My——god!我討厭測試.Oh, My god! I hate tests.

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