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      歌曲:Love to be loved by you(願意被你愛)  所屬專輯:Awesome 《生畏》  歌曲原唱:MarcEric Terenzi 馬克·埃裡克·特倫茨  中英文歌詞:  I can"t believe I"m standing here  難以置信我站在這裡  Been waiting for so many years and  已經等待了這麼多年  Today I found the Queen to reign my heart  今天終於找到我心中的皇后  You changed my life so patiently  你如此耐心地改變著我的生活  And turned it into something good and real  把它變得美好而真實  I feel just like I felt in all my dreams  感覺我還像是在做夢一樣  There are questions hard to answer  很多問題無法回答  Can"t you see ?  你明白嗎?  Baby, tell me how can I tell you  寶貝,告訴我該如何告訴你  That I love you more than life  我愛你勝過我的生命  Show me how can I show you  告訴我我該如何告訴你  That I’m blinded by your light  你光芒刺透了我的雙眼  When you touch me I can touch you  當你觸控到我的時候  To find out the dream is true  我才知道這不是夢境  I love to be loved by you  我願意被你來愛著  You"re looking kind of scared right now  你看上去有點害怕  You"re waiting for the wedding vows but  你正等待著婚姻的誓言  I don"t know if my tongue"s able to talk  但是我不知道我的舌頭還能不能告訴你  Your beauty is just blinding me  你的美麗會讓我眩暈  Like sunbeams on a summer stream and  似夏日河面上的Sunny  I gotta close my eyes to protect me  我只好閉上眼睛保護自己  Can you take my hand and lead me  你可不可以牽著我的手,帶著我  From here please  離開這裡  yeah...yeah...  耶~耶~  Baby, tell me how can I tell you  寶貝,告訴我該如何 告訴你  That I love you more than life  我愛你勝過我的生命  Show me how can I show you  看著我該如何 看到你  That I’m blinded by your light  你光芒刺透了我的雙眼  When you touch me I can touch you  當你觸控到我的時候  To find out the dream is true  我才知道這不是夢境  I love to be loved  我願意被愛  I need to be loved  我需要被愛  I love to be loved by you  我願意被你來愛著  I know they"re gonna say our love"s not strong enough  我知道他們說我們的愛不足以  to last forever  堅定到永遠  And I know they"re gonna say that we"ll give up because  我也知道他們會說我們會因  of heavy weather  狂風暴雨而放棄  But how can they understand  但是他們怎能明白  that our love is just heaven-sent  我們的愛是上天安排  We keep on going on and on  讓我們一直堅守著它,一直  Cause this is where we both belong  因為它屬於我們兩個人  Baby, tell me how can I tell you (You......ee....)  寶貝,告訴我該如何 告訴你 (你~~~咕~~)  That I love you more than life (I will send you more)  我愛你勝過我的生命 (我會給你更多)  Show me how can I show you (Show me how)  看著我該如何 看到你 (我如何看)  That I’m blinded by your light (yeah...yeah...)  你光芒刺透了我的雙眼 (耶~耶~)  When you touch me I can touch you (Baby, When you touch me)  當你觸控到我的時候 (寶貝,當你觸控到我)  To find out the dream is true (Don`t know)  我才知道這不是夢境 (不知道)  I love to be loved  我願意被愛  I need yes I need to be loved  我是真的需要被愛  I love to be loved by you  我願意被你來愛著  ee....wu...hoo...  咕~~唔~唬~  Yes I love to be loved by you ….  是的,我願意被你來愛著 ~~

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