歌曲:Anywhere Is
I walk the maze of moments 我走在時間迷宮
ButeverywhereI turn to無論我轉向何方
Begins a new beginning 都是嶄新的起點
But never finds a finish 卻無法找到終點
I walk to the horizon 我想去地平線那
And there I find another 卻發現無窮無盡
It all seems so surprising 看來都如此驚奇
And then I find that I know 想來全盡在意中
*Chorus: 副歌:
You go there you‘re gone forever 你離開將 一去不返
I go there I’ll lose my way 我離開將 迷失方向
If we stay here we‘re not together 如果在這 無法一起
Anywhere is 四處皆然
The moon upon the ocean 看瀚海上的月亮
Is swept around in motion 在日夜來回穿梭
But without ever knowing 卻永遠不曾知道
The reason for its flowing 它流蕩著的原因
In motion on the ocean 在大海海面航行
The moon still keeps on moving明月依舊在流轉
The waves still keep on waving 海浪依舊在波濤
And I still keep on going 而我依舊在前進
I wonder if the stars sign 想星星是否可以
The life that is to be mine 預示我要的一生
And would they let their light shine 使它們光芒閃耀
Enough for me to follow 值得讓我去追隨
I look up to the heavens 我試著仰望天堂
But night has clouded over 卻都被雲夜遮擋
No spark of constellation 看不到璀璨星光
No vela no orion 找不到任何方向
The shells upon the warm sands 暖沙上躺著貝殼
Have taken from their own lands 是被從故土衝來
The echo of their story 訴說著它的故事
But all I hear are low sounds 我只能聽到呢喃
As pillow words are weaving 枕邊的柔軟細語
And willow waves are leaving 遠去的柳般細浪
But should I be believing 我是否應該相信
That I am only dreaming 那全都是在做夢
To leave the thread of all time 離開時間的線索
And let it make a dark line 把它標記成暗線
The way back to the moment 回到原來的方法
I took the turn and turned to 我選擇一個岔口
Begin a new beginning 開始一個新起點
Still looking for the answer 依舊在尋找答案
I cannot find the finish 我無法找到終點
It’s either this or that way 總會有兩條道路
It‘s one way or the other 但無論如何選擇
It should be onedirection都應是殊路同歸
It could be onreflection也可能只是遐想
The turn I have just taken 我剛剛轉過的彎
The turn that I was making 我現在在轉的彎
I might be just beginning 我或許才剛開始
I might be near the end. 我或許已臨終。
歌曲:Anywhere Is
I walk the maze of moments 我走在時間迷宮
ButeverywhereI turn to無論我轉向何方
Begins a new beginning 都是嶄新的起點
But never finds a finish 卻無法找到終點
I walk to the horizon 我想去地平線那
And there I find another 卻發現無窮無盡
It all seems so surprising 看來都如此驚奇
And then I find that I know 想來全盡在意中
*Chorus: 副歌:
You go there you‘re gone forever 你離開將 一去不返
I go there I’ll lose my way 我離開將 迷失方向
If we stay here we‘re not together 如果在這 無法一起
Anywhere is 四處皆然
The moon upon the ocean 看瀚海上的月亮
Is swept around in motion 在日夜來回穿梭
But without ever knowing 卻永遠不曾知道
The reason for its flowing 它流蕩著的原因
In motion on the ocean 在大海海面航行
The moon still keeps on moving明月依舊在流轉
The waves still keep on waving 海浪依舊在波濤
And I still keep on going 而我依舊在前進
*Chorus: 副歌:
You go there you‘re gone forever 你離開將 一去不返
I go there I’ll lose my way 我離開將 迷失方向
If we stay here we‘re not together 如果在這 無法一起
Anywhere is 四處皆然
I wonder if the stars sign 想星星是否可以
The life that is to be mine 預示我要的一生
And would they let their light shine 使它們光芒閃耀
Enough for me to follow 值得讓我去追隨
I look up to the heavens 我試著仰望天堂
But night has clouded over 卻都被雲夜遮擋
No spark of constellation 看不到璀璨星光
No vela no orion 找不到任何方向
The shells upon the warm sands 暖沙上躺著貝殼
Have taken from their own lands 是被從故土衝來
The echo of their story 訴說著它的故事
But all I hear are low sounds 我只能聽到呢喃
As pillow words are weaving 枕邊的柔軟細語
And willow waves are leaving 遠去的柳般細浪
But should I be believing 我是否應該相信
That I am only dreaming 那全都是在做夢
*Chorus: 副歌:
You go there you‘re gone forever 你離開將 一去不返
I go there I’ll lose my way 我離開將 迷失方向
If we stay here we‘re not together 如果在這 無法一起
Anywhere is 四處皆然
To leave the thread of all time 離開時間的線索
And let it make a dark line 把它標記成暗線
The way back to the moment 回到原來的方法
I took the turn and turned to 我選擇一個岔口
Begin a new beginning 開始一個新起點
Still looking for the answer 依舊在尋找答案
I cannot find the finish 我無法找到終點
It’s either this or that way 總會有兩條道路
It‘s one way or the other 但無論如何選擇
It should be onedirection都應是殊路同歸
It could be onreflection也可能只是遐想
The turn I have just taken 我剛剛轉過的彎
The turn that I was making 我現在在轉的彎
I might be just beginning 我或許才剛開始
I might be near the end. 我或許已臨終。