  • 1 # 使用者1987063135121

    1.我來自巫師之家,可我不是巫師.I come from a family of witches ,but i am not a witch.

    2.上帝在這裡,在監獄中與我同在,對此我深信不疑.可是我死去的家人也與我同在.God is with me here ,in prison .I believe that.But my dead family is with me too.

    3.天空一片湛藍,山上開著美麗的花朵.The sky was blue and there were beautiful flowers on the hills.

    4.我的手冰涼涼,我的臉熱辣辣.不過我沒有哭.My hands felt cold and my face was hot,but i didn"t cry

    5.潺潺的流水聲在我聽來十分悅耳.The noise of the river was beautiful in my ears

    6.由於憤怒,我的臉很燙.My face felt very hot because i was angry .

    7.它靜靜地坐落在那裡,注視著我 It sat quietly and watched me

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