  • 1 # 使用者1640755130294

      Choose life.  選擇生活。  Choose a job.  選擇一份活兒。  Choose a career.  選擇一項事業。  Choose a family, Choose a fucking big television,  選擇一個家庭,選擇一個巨他媽大的電視機,  Choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players,  and electrical tin openers.  選擇洗衣機、汽車、鐳射音響,還有電動開罐器。  Choose good health, low cholesterol and dental insurance.  選擇小心保養自己的身體、低膽固醇和牙科保險。  Choose fixed-interest mortgage repayments.  選擇固定利率的抵押貸款。  Choose a starter home.  選擇政府提供的低價而體面的住宅。  Choose your friends.  選擇你的朋友。  Choose leisure wear and matching luggage.  選擇休閒裝和配套的旅行包。  Choose a three piece suite on hire purchase in a range of fucking fabrics.  選擇用分期付款買回同系列的他媽什麼織物做的三套件西裝。  Choose DIY and wondering who you are on a Sunday morning.  選擇自己動手做,然後在某個星期天的早晨問自己我這是在哪兒呀。  Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing spirit-crushing game shows, stuffing fu*king junk food into your mouth.  選擇坐在那張睡椅上看讓腦子發木腦漿被擠成稀屎狀的體育節目,一邊往自己嘴裡塞他媽的垃圾食物。  Choose rotting away at the end of it all, pishing you last in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, fucked-up brats you have spawned to replace yourself.  選擇在這一切的末尾爛掉,最後在一個破破爛爛的家裡遭兒女唾棄,當初你用精子弄出他們來代替你,現在對這些自私的、滿不在乎的小子們來說,你只是一個老厭物。  Choose your future.  選擇你的未來。  Choose life.  選擇生活。  But who would I want to do a thing like that?  但我是誰啊?我會想去做那些事情?  I chose not to choose life: I chose something else.  我選擇不選擇生活:我選擇一些別的什麼東東。  And the reasons? There are no reasons.  理由?沒有理由。  Who need reasons when you"ve got heroin?  有了海洛因,誰還需要理由呢?  片尾  So why did I do it?  我為什麼這樣做?  I could offer a million answers, all false.  我可以提供上萬個答案,可是全部是錯誤的。  The truth is that I"m a bad person,  事實上我本來就是一個壞人,  but that"s going to change,  但是我會改變,  I"m going to change.  我正在改變。  This is the last of this sort of thing.  這是我最後一次做這種事情。  I"m cleaning up and I"m moving on,  我已經洗心革面,繼續前進,  going straight and choosing life.  一直向前,選擇生活。  I"m looking forward to it already.  我已經在期盼那樣的生活了。  I"m going to be just like you:  我將像你一樣:  the job, the family,  工作,家庭,  the fucking big television,  他媽的大電視機,  the washing machine, the car,  洗衣機,汽車,  the compact disc and electrical tin opener,  鐳射音響,電動開罐器,  good health, low cholesterol, dental insurance,  保養自己的身體、低膽固醇,牙醫保險,  mortgage, starter home,  抵押貸款,低價住房,  leisurewear, luggage,  休閒裝,旅行包,  three-piece suite, DIY,  三件套,DIY,  game shows, junk food, children,  體育節目,垃圾食品,子女,  walks in the park, nine to five,  在公園散步,朝九晚五,  good at golf, washing the car,  打Golf,洗車,  choice of sweaters,  選擇毛衣,  family Christmas,  家庭聖誕,  indexed pension,  養老金  tax exemption,  免稅,  clearing the gutters,  清理下水道  getting by,  過日子,  looking ahead, to the day you die.  一直向前,直到死的那一天。

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 第一次去相親,女孩就問有沒有車,房和存款,這女的能談嗎?