  • 1 # Ivan1987

    Remeber remeber the fifth of Noverber. Why ? because it"s Bonfire Night ! But what is Bonfire Night ?

    Why do we celebrate ? How do we celebrate ? Bonfire Night was started because of a plot that was foiled back in 1605 on November the fifth. A group of people had been plotting to blow up Parliament with King James inside, and one of these plotters was called Guy Fawkes .

    On the 5th of Novermber he was discovered in a basement of the Houses of Parliament with a huge barrel full of ganpowder and a fuse ready to be lit. The guard discovered him , arrested him. He was tried and found guity after which he was hung, drawn and quartered . A nasty punishment !

    In order to celebrate his survival King James ordered the people of England to light a huge bonfire on the evening of the 5th Novermber. And that is how Bonfire Night began.

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