你只要把客戶的護照簽證copy還有把審批表,在華安排,往來商務合同,擔保書,自己公司的營業執照,遞交給你所在地的外經貿局。 我再附上一份幫客戶寫好遞交給大使館的邀請函模板。不知道對你有用否。 Date: xxth xxx. 2014 To The Visa officer China Embassy xxx(客戶所在國家) Ref: Invitation Letter: Invitation Letter Here in we, xxxxxxxxxx(公司名稱).With Legal Address:xxxxxxxxxx(公司地址). kindly invite Mr. xxxx(兩個人一起就 "and xxxx") have 1 week business visiting to 你們公司所在地 (xxx Province) about inspect the goods before shipment and cooperation in future between xxx(客戶公司名稱)and xxx(自己公司名稱) We guarantee that Mr. xxxx(兩個人一起就 "and xxxx") back to xxxx(客戶國家) on time after all business finished in china. Here is the details of them: Name : 1. xxxxxxx(客戶名字) (如果是兩個一起就寫在旁邊) 2. xxxx Passport NO.: xxxxxxx (護照編號) xxxxxxx Date of Expiry:(護照到期時間 )the xxth xxx.20xx. the xth xxx .20xx It is always appreciated to send a single entrance business Visa to them for the business trip in china. With Best regards -- - - - - - - - - - - - XXXXXX(你們老闆名字或者你的名字) Chairman & Managing Director,(職位啊啥的) xxxxxxx(公司名稱) 寫好之後列印蓋公章。然後寄給他。噢了。 希望有幫助。
你只要把客戶的護照簽證copy還有把審批表,在華安排,往來商務合同,擔保書,自己公司的營業執照,遞交給你所在地的外經貿局。 我再附上一份幫客戶寫好遞交給大使館的邀請函模板。不知道對你有用否。 Date: xxth xxx. 2014 To The Visa officer China Embassy xxx(客戶所在國家) Ref: Invitation Letter: Invitation Letter Here in we, xxxxxxxxxx(公司名稱).With Legal Address:xxxxxxxxxx(公司地址). kindly invite Mr. xxxx(兩個人一起就 "and xxxx") have 1 week business visiting to 你們公司所在地 (xxx Province) about inspect the goods before shipment and cooperation in future between xxx(客戶公司名稱)and xxx(自己公司名稱) We guarantee that Mr. xxxx(兩個人一起就 "and xxxx") back to xxxx(客戶國家) on time after all business finished in china. Here is the details of them: Name : 1. xxxxxxx(客戶名字) (如果是兩個一起就寫在旁邊) 2. xxxx Passport NO.: xxxxxxx (護照編號) xxxxxxx Date of Expiry:(護照到期時間 )the xxth xxx.20xx. the xth xxx .20xx It is always appreciated to send a single entrance business Visa to them for the business trip in china. With Best regards -- - - - - - - - - - - - XXXXXX(你們老闆名字或者你的名字) Chairman & Managing Director,(職位啊啥的) xxxxxxx(公司名稱) 寫好之後列印蓋公章。然後寄給他。噢了。 希望有幫助。