  • 1 # 草莓熊


    第一篇:志願者 volunteer  nowadays, there is a increasing number for people to join in the activities of volunteering. it’s well-known that volunteering job is making contribution to the society with nothing in return. it’s like the leifeng spirit. however, knowing this, there are still many people would like to devote themseves in this trend. for instance, the 2008 beijing olympic games has so many volunteers. they made lots of contribution to the success of opening the olympics. moreover, we can often see that there many students go to gerocomium to visit the old to bring warm to the lonely people. even there are some people’s career is volunteer. they are ready to help others. although the volunteers are much more common, we still need to thanks them to admire them devoting themseves to the society.  如今,有越來越多的人加入到志願服務行業。眾所周知,志願者工作是對社會的無私貢獻。就像雷鋒精神一樣。然而,雖然意識到這一點但還是有很多人願意奉獻於這個行業。例如,2008年北京奧運會有這麼多的志願者。他們為奧運會的成功舉行做了很多的貢獻。此外,我們經常可以看到,有很多學生去敬老院看望老人給他們帶去溫暖。甚至有些人的職業就是志願者。他們時刻準備好去幫助別人。雖然志願者是越來越常見了,但我們仍然要感謝他們欽佩他們為社會奉獻自己。

    第二篇:志願服務的益處 the benefits of volunteering  nowadays, an increasing number of people are willing to serve as volunteers especially the university students in that they consider that volunteering is not only a great contribution to our society and those who are in need, but also improves themselves in many aspects.  如今,越來越多的人願意成為志願者尤其是大學生,因為他們覺得志願服務不僅是對社會有重大貢獻還對那些有需要的人,而且還在多方面提升了自己。  for one thing, there is no doubt that volunteering makes contribution to our society and people in need. the volunteers provide their assistance without requiring any financial rewards. their contributions have a great impact on harmony society contribution.  一方面,毫無疑問的是志願服務對我們的社會做貢獻和有需要的人。志願者不要求回報的提供幫助。他們的貢獻對和諧社會有很大的影響。  for another, serving as a volunteer is also beneficial to the volunteers themselves. they can improve their communication skills when providing help for others. one of the examples is that the university students who serve in canton fair will get a great chance to practical their english and get in touch with different kinds of people as well as broad their horizon. in addition, by serving as different kinds of volunteers, they are easier to understand themselves and know in which fields they are interested.  另一方面,作為一個志願者,對於志願者自己也是有利的。在提供幫助的同時他們可以提高自己的溝通技巧。其中一個例子是,廣交會服務的大學生可以得到鍛鍊英語的機會,還可以接觸到各種各樣的人來開闊視野。此外,成為不同型別的志願者,他們更容易瞭解自己,知道興趣之所在。  in a word, volunteering has brought many benefits to our society, those who are in need as well as the volunteers themselves. therefore, let us enjoy the time when serving as a volunteer.

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