  • 1 # 熊貓宿舍

    The nail scissors: Sharpscissors with curved blades to cleanly cut and shape the finger nail. Smooththe nail with a nail file.指甲剪刀:鋒利的剪刀加上弧形的刀片可以乾淨利索的剪手指甲,並用指甲鈍刀打磨光滑。The cuticle scissors: A verygentle and fine pair of scissors with thinly curved blades to remove cuticleand loose skin particles. Our tip: Never pull off any loose skin, always cut itoff.指甲表皮剪刀:卓越精細的剪刀與超薄弧線刀片輕鬆去除指甲表皮與松皮物質。我們建議:不要去拔手指上的松皮,剪掉即可。 The nail nippers: strong nailnippers easily shorten and shape even strong finger and toe nails. Smooth thenail with a nail file.指甲鉗:強有力的指甲鉗可以輕鬆去除堅硬的手指甲和腳趾甲,並用指甲鈍刀打磨光滑。The cuticle nippers: A sturdytool made of special steel to cleanly remove the softened cuticle in both thecorners and curves of the nail bed.指甲表皮鉗:特殊鋼材打造的堅實的工具,乾淨去除指甲殼旁鬆散表皮。Nail clippers should be used insuch a way that a 1 mm width of white nail remains. Continue making the cutsevenly next to each other up to the nail side, then smooth with a file.指甲表皮鉗適用於1mm寬殘留的白色指甲殼。保持刀口均勻,與指甲邊對稱,並用鈍刀的打磨光滑。The nail cleaner: The ergonomichandle with its perfectly shaped blade easily removes and dirt under and aroundthe nail.指甲清潔劑:人性化的設計與完美的刀片形狀輕鬆去除指甲下面以及周圍汙漬。The cuticle pusher: Rounded tipto gently push back the cuticle. Our tip: Bathe your finger tips in lukewarmwater first.死皮推杆:圓形的頂端輕輕地把死皮推回去。我們建議:先在溫水中清洗手指。 The cuticle knife: the verysharp edge is used to easily remove unwanted, surplus skin . Our tip: Batheyour finger tips first. 死皮刀:超鋒利的刀鋒輕鬆去除煩人的多餘表皮。我們建議:先清洗手指。 The cuticle knife (withV-shaped blade): this special instrument has a V-shaped, very fine , sharpfunctional part, with the cuticle can be removed cleanly by moving the cutteralong the nail bed. 死皮刀(V-形刀片):帶V-形刀片的特殊工具,精緻鋒利,沿著指甲殼推動就能幹淨清除死皮。 The nail file: Thesapphire-covered surfaces easily file and shape your nail in one directiononly. The coarse side shapes, the fine side smoothes the nail.指甲鈍刀:藍寶石的外表,一個方向輕鬆打磨指甲。粗獷的一面打磨,精細的一面磨光。 The professional hairdressingscissors made of TWINOX stainless steel with the finest micro-serration,detachable finger rest and readjust-table screw.專業的美髮剪刀由TWINOX不鏽鋼製成,擁有微型鋸齒,可拆式支架以及調可調整螺絲。

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