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    the way引導的不一定全是定語從句,但用的比較多的是定語從句。

    1、the way 是先行詞, 其後是定語從句.它有三種表達形式:

    1) the way+that

    2)the way+ in which

    3)the way + 從句(省略了that或in which),在通常情況下, 用in which 引導的定語從句最為正式,用that的次之,而省略了關係代詞that 或 in which 的, 反而顯得更自然,最為常用.如下面三句話所示,其意義相同.

    I like the way in which he talks.(我喜歡他說話的方式。)

    I like the way that he talks.(我喜歡他說話的方式。)

    I like the way he talks.(我喜歡他說話的方式。)

    2、the way用作為副詞的對格,"the way+從句"實際上相當於一個狀語從句來修飾全句.

    the way=as

    He did not do it the way his friend did.


    3、the way+從句"還常用作主語,賓語,表語,或賓語補足語

    I hate the way she stared at me .


    (the way=the manner in which在句中作賓語)

    4、"the way+從句"也常作為狀語,相當與"in any way(that or in which)+從句或in any manner in which +從句", 其含義是"不管/不論用什麼方式".

    do it anyway you like .


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