在“原始的,未經加工的”這層意思上,crude與raw是近義詞,試比較兩者的英文解釋:Crude substances are in a natural or unrefined state, and have not yet been used in manufacturing processes.Raw materials or substances are in their natural state before being processed or used in manufacturing.可見二都幾乎沒有什麼區別,通常都用於作定語,而crude oil則比較常用。另外,對raw還有如下解釋:Raw food is food that is eaten uncooked, that has not yet been cooked, or that has not been cooked enough.因此有raw meetRaw data is facts or information that has not yet been sorted, analysed, or prepared for use.據此,應為raw fact.……總之,raw的用法多於crude,具體建議參考Collins COBUILD Dictionary,內有非常明瞭的用法解釋。
在“原始的,未經加工的”這層意思上,crude與raw是近義詞,試比較兩者的英文解釋:Crude substances are in a natural or unrefined state, and have not yet been used in manufacturing processes.Raw materials or substances are in their natural state before being processed or used in manufacturing.可見二都幾乎沒有什麼區別,通常都用於作定語,而crude oil則比較常用。另外,對raw還有如下解釋:Raw food is food that is eaten uncooked, that has not yet been cooked, or that has not been cooked enough.因此有raw meetRaw data is facts or information that has not yet been sorted, analysed, or prepared for use.據此,應為raw fact.……總之,raw的用法多於crude,具體建議參考Collins COBUILD Dictionary,內有非常明瞭的用法解釋。