  • 1 # 月兒圓yuan

    Story begins with the story of a girl named Alice, and sister in an accident when reading a book into the world. There, she experienced a lot in reality things are not. Talking rabbits, can change into small pills, and the moves of the poker, and when she suddenly woke up after a crisis, they find that this is only a long dream of his own ... ...

    Close your books this, rubbed his tired eyes, I fell into silent contemplation. When watching a small, think Alice blessed, you can enter the world of the book, even if it was a dream.

    Have dreams, Alice"s dream has been to fulfill her dreams?

    Certainly, we do think this book is not simply the dream of her. Initially, Alice has just fallen into the hole, had thought she would cry like a normal girl, like a row, not the idea, but I was wrong, she gave her a strong and optimistic side presented to the reader, Let us know the story of the hero is not a weak timid little girl. The playing cards behind the soldiers and the queen with the exchange in another show of her intelligent and courageous.

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