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    這個是由很多可能性因素共同引起的。1. 運動過後,parasympathetic nerve system的作用加強,讓身體回覆正常狀態,所以短暫性的血壓下降2. 力量訓練(阻力)會讓心跳和血壓上升,有氧一般相反3.長期運動的人,stroke volumn加強,心臟每一下都會更有力,左心室代償性加強,所以心跳降低4. 由於身體出汗,血液量降低,血壓會下降。5.體表溫度升高,血液部分轉移到體表,導致迴圈系統血液量稍微減少。4-5 影響因素較小,主要可能是1-3 方面。

    During rhythmic exercise: Increased blood flow during moderate exercise increases systolic pressure in the first few minutes; it then levels off, usually between 140 and 160 mm Hg. Diastolic pressure remains relatively unchanged. 規律性運動(單車,跑步),一開始收縮壓會上升,之後會開始維持在一定水平,舒張壓基本不便。During resistance exercises: Straining-type exercise (e.g., heavy resistance exercise, shoveling wet snow) increases blood pressure dramatically because sustained muscular force compresses peripheral arterioles, considerably increasing the resistance to blood flow. The heart’s additional workload from acute elevations in blood pressure increases the risk for individuals with existing hypertension or coronary heart disease. 阻力性訓練會增加肌肉對血管壁的壓力而提高血壓,因此會顯著性提高收縮壓。

    During upper body exercises: The smaller arm muscle mass and vasculature offer greater resistance to blood flow than the larger and more vascularized lower-body regions. This means that blood flow to the arms during exercise requires a much larger systolic head of pressure and accompanying increase in myocardial workload and vascular strain.


    Recovery phase: After a bout of sustained light- to moderate-intensity exercise, systolic blood pressure temporarily decreases below pre-exercise levels for up to 12 hours in normal and hypertensive subjects.

    Pooling of blood in the visceral organs and lower limbs during recovery reduces central blood volume, which contributes to lower blood pressure. This hypotensive recovery response further supports exercise as an important nonpharmacologic hypertension therapy. A potentially effective approach spreads several bouts of moderate physical activity throughout the day.


    摘自Essentials of Exercise physiology

    2013 的一份研究表示,對於不同型別的運動訓練,舒張壓和收縮壓都會下降。

    Systolic BP (SBP) was reduced after endurance, dynamic resistance, and isometric resistance, but not after combined training. Reductions in diastolic BP (DBP) were observed after endurance, dynamic resistance, isometric resistance, and combined training.

    高血壓患者更適合耐力性運動(長時間,low intensity)。

    BP reductions after endurance training were greater (P<0.0001) in 26 study groups of hypertensive subjects than in 50 groups of prehypertensive subjects and 29 groups of subjects with normal BP levels.


    BP reductions after dynamic resistance training were largest for prehypertensive participants compared with patients with hypertension or normal BP.

    摘自Exercise Training for Blood Pressure: A systematic Review and Meta-analysis.

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