〈原文,The discovery of this conservation law dates back to 1924 when Laporte4 found that energy levels in complex atoms can be classified into « gestrichene » and « ungestrichene » types, or in more recent language, even and odd levels. In transitions between these levels during which one photon is emitted or absorbed, Laporte found that the level always changes from even to odd or vice versa. Anticipating later developments, we remark that the evenness or oddness of the levels was later referred to as the parity of the levels.〉這個微觀量子物理學的發現被我的宏觀∞分形邏輯證實。
some information about the spins and parities of the t and 9 mesons can be obtained. The argument is very roughly as follows. It has previously been determined that the parity of a p meson is odd (i.e. = -1). Let us first neglect the effects due to the relative motion of the p mesons. To conserve parity in the decays, the 8 meson must have the total parity, or in other words, the product parity, of two p mesons, which is even (i.e. = +1). Similarly, the t meson must have the total parity of three p mesons, which is odd. Actually because of the relative motion of the p mesons the argument was not as simple and unambiguous as we just discussed. 楊振寧又講講到1553年物理學家Dalitz的3×3遊戲的數理邏輯思維。這些知識立刻可用於玄空飛星。 用宇稱數判斷樓盤的風水格局 大唐《天玉經》秘決可由一個2×2演算法表求算玄空飛星各盤宇稱數求算表,
宇稱數 odds evens
1 +1 一1
2 一1 +1
∑ = +2 O 一2 可分出四類風水格局
如果是平原景觀無山也無水,那末這24個方位是等方位,即(360/24)=15度,即要鑑定這二十四個方位的玄空氣場吉凶。這是個極大的方法論上勝利,因在風水傳統如此高難度的運作平多年來一直是口傳心授的私家秘傳。或者只傳入室弟子。西方人對飛星遊戲的知識源於二十年前我在英國風水雜誌-《 fengshui for ‘modern living》上的一篇介紹大唐楊公玄空飛星系統,為當時日益高漲的風水熱推波助瀾,且從結構框架上簡化了楊公原版本,極適合於西方人和對中國風水文化零背景的現代頭腦。因此發展極快,當時我還在曼城當天觀道人掙學費。也是這篇文章使我正式入風水圈,因海外建築設計急於需要傳統風水對建築景觀的影響,而玄空理論是最系統完整的。 然在我完成解碼楊公天玉經迷訣,詳細地在雜誌上公開後,我已經對玄空飛星失去興趣,僅不過一個遊戲而己。直到這次到圖書館下載的這個遊戲,猛一看婉如當年框架,仔細核實才發現問題不少,因為遊戲是作為建築設計專業人員學習玄空飛星,寓教於樂的遊戲,理應確保百分之百的質量,不能容忍一個錯誤,
〈原文,The discovery of this conservation law dates back to 1924 when Laporte4 found that energy levels in complex atoms can be classified into « gestrichene » and « ungestrichene » types, or in more recent language, even and odd levels. In transitions between these levels during which one photon is emitted or absorbed, Laporte found that the level always changes from even to odd or vice versa. Anticipating later developments, we remark that the evenness or oddness of the levels was later referred to as the parity of the levels.〉這個微觀量子物理學的發現被我的宏觀∞分形邏輯證實。
some information about the spins and parities of the t and 9 mesons can be obtained. The argument is very roughly as follows. It has previously been determined that the parity of a p meson is odd (i.e. = -1). Let us first neglect the effects due to the relative motion of the p mesons. To conserve parity in the decays, the 8 meson must have the total parity, or in other words, the product parity, of two p mesons, which is even (i.e. = +1). Similarly, the t meson must have the total parity of three p mesons, which is odd. Actually because of the relative motion of the p mesons the argument was not as simple and unambiguous as we just discussed. 楊振寧又講講到1553年物理學家Dalitz的3×3遊戲的數理邏輯思維。這些知識立刻可用於玄空飛星。 用宇稱數判斷樓盤的風水格局 大唐《天玉經》秘決可由一個2×2演算法表求算玄空飛星各盤宇稱數求算表,
宇稱數 odds evens
1 +1 一1
2 一1 +1
∑ = +2 O 一2 可分出四類風水格局
如果是平原景觀無山也無水,那末這24個方位是等方位,即(360/24)=15度,即要鑑定這二十四個方位的玄空氣場吉凶。這是個極大的方法論上勝利,因在風水傳統如此高難度的運作平多年來一直是口傳心授的私家秘傳。或者只傳入室弟子。西方人對飛星遊戲的知識源於二十年前我在英國風水雜誌-《 fengshui for ‘modern living》上的一篇介紹大唐楊公玄空飛星系統,為當時日益高漲的風水熱推波助瀾,且從結構框架上簡化了楊公原版本,極適合於西方人和對中國風水文化零背景的現代頭腦。因此發展極快,當時我還在曼城當天觀道人掙學費。也是這篇文章使我正式入風水圈,因海外建築設計急於需要傳統風水對建築景觀的影響,而玄空理論是最系統完整的。 然在我完成解碼楊公天玉經迷訣,詳細地在雜誌上公開後,我已經對玄空飛星失去興趣,僅不過一個遊戲而己。直到這次到圖書館下載的這個遊戲,猛一看婉如當年框架,仔細核實才發現問題不少,因為遊戲是作為建築設計專業人員學習玄空飛星,寓教於樂的遊戲,理應確保百分之百的質量,不能容忍一個錯誤,