1 # 資深英語翻譯Isabella
2 # 英語同步課堂
同漢語成語一樣,許多英語成語的意思也不能簡單的從組成這一成語的各個單詞中推斷出來,正如漢語成語,很可能是一個典故或其他約定的說法.如果我們在學英語時,望文生義就會很難理解,甚至鬧了笑話.比如"pull one"s leg".如字面理解,就是"拖了某人的後腿",其實真正的意思是"愚弄某人".
above oneself自高自大 absent of mind 心不在焉
add fuel to the flames 火上澆油 add insult to injure雪上加霜
after a fashion馬馬虎虎 against a rainy day 未雨綢繆
all bears and skittles吃喝玩樂 all ears洗耳恭聽
all eyes全神貫注 all fingers and thumbs笨手笨腳
all Greek to me一竅不通 allin all總而言之
all ingood time按部就班 all his geese are swans敝帚自珍
all out竭盡全力 all over the shop亂七八糟
all manner of形形色色 all square勢均力敵
all wool and a yard wide貨真價實 an eye for eye以眼還眼
a tooth for a tooth以牙還牙 apple of ones eye掌上明珠
as drunk as a lord爛醉如泥 as hard as the nether millstone鐵石心腸
as large as life千真萬確 as like as chalk to cheese迥然不同
as thin as hail紛至沓來 at a respectful distance敬而遠之
at large逍遙法外 at ones fingertips瞭如指掌/垂手可得
at one"s wit"s end智窮計盡 at sixes and sevens亂七八糟
at the drop ofa hat毫不猶豫 at the end of ones rope山窮水盡/走投無路
make a long story short. →長話短說good for both sides →兩全其美Kill two birds with one stone.→一舉兩得/一石二鳥Practice makes perfect.→熟能生巧When in Rome, do as the Romans do.→入鄉隨俗Time and tide wait for no man.→時不我待Pride comes before a fall.→驕兵必敗 love me, love my dog.→愛屋及烏Acts speak louder than words.→行勝於言Birds of a feather flock together.→物以類聚,人以群分Man proposes, god disposes.→謀事在人,成事在天The finest diamond must be cut.→玉不琢,不成器Two is company,but three is none.→兩個和尚抬水吃,三個和尚無水吃 Enough is as good as a feast.→知足常樂A friend in need is a friend indeed.→患難見真情Look before you leap.→三思而後行An young idler, an old beggar.→少壯不努力,老大徒傷悲 No sweat, no sweet.→一分耕耘,一分收穫/幾分汗水,幾分收成Experience is the mother of wisdom.→實踐出真知/紙上得來終覺淺,絕知此事要躬行Speak of the devil, and he appears.說曹操,曹操到。 The grass is greener on the other side of the hill.這山望著那山高。 Put the cart before the horse.本末倒置。我是Isabella,國家一級英語翻譯,10年+專業翻譯經驗,若干國外暢銷書中文版譯者。願我們透過英語學習擁抱更大的世界!