  • 1 # AugustusDeSPQR




    在從法律來說,西方的現有法律無一例外都可以從羅馬法中找到痕跡。。更別說法律學說上的自然法,正是羅馬共和國末期著名的政治家 思想家 法學家西塞羅將它發揚光大!


    從政治來說,羅馬首創元首制,羅馬皇帝中的頭銜Augustus(奧古斯都) 被多名神羅皇帝引用為頭銜。。。更別說德語中的Kaiser來自於羅馬的Caesar(愷撒),如今德語中的帝國就是KaiserReich。此外東歐普遍使用的沙皇,最早也是來自於羅馬.

    Tsar (/zɑːr, tsɑːr/; Old Church Slavonic: ц︢рь [usually written thus with a title] or цар, цaрь), also spelled csar, or czar, is a title used to designate East and South Slavic monarchs or supreme rulers of Eastern Europe. As a system of government in the Tsardom of Russia and the Russian Empire, it is known as Tsarist autocracy, or Tsarism. The term is derived from the Latin word Caesar, which was intended to mean "Emperor" in the European medieval sense of the term—a ruler with the same rank as a Roman emperor, holding it by the approval of another emperor or a supreme ecclesiastical official (the Pope or the Ecumenical Patriarch)—but was usually considered by western Europeans to be equivalent to king, or to be somewhat in between a royal and imperial rank.


    Translatio imperii (Latin for "transfer of rule") is a historiographical concept, originating in the Middle Ages, in which history is viewed as a linear succession of transfers of an imperium that invests supreme power in a singular ruler, an "emperor" (or sometimes even several emperors, e.g., the Eastern Roman Empire and the Western Holy Roman Empire). The concept is closely linked to translatio studii (the geographic movement of learning). Both terms are thought to have their origins in the second chapter of the Book of Daniel in the Hebrew Bible (verses 39–40).


    教皇頭銜中有個Pontifex Maximus(羅馬大祭司),這頭銜就來自於羅馬,因為這頭銜原本就是羅馬皇帝使用的過頭銜。格拉蒂安時代正式將這個頭銜移除




    有一句諺語叫條條大路通羅馬(All Roads Lead to Rome)

    All Roads Lead to Rome" is the modern reading of a medieval statement, apparently originally a reference to Roman roads generally and the Milliarium Aureum (Golden Milestone) specifically.[1] As a proverb, it refers to the fact that many routes can lead to a given result.


    眾所周知,8月份的英文是August, 元老院命名此月是為了紀念奧古斯都


    July is the seventh month of the year (between June and August) in the Julian and Gregorian Calendars and the fourth of seven months to have a length of 31 days. It was named by the Roman Senate in honour of Roman general Julius Caesar, it being the month of his birth. Prior to that, it was called Quintilis, being the fifth month of the 10-month calendar.


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