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    "I was such a person: if you ask questions I don"t know the answer, I"ll tell you" I don"t know, "but I assure you that I know how to find the answer, and I will find the answer."This is a line the movie hero says.He is a middle-aged but always pursue dreams; A Faller who can only take his son sleeping on the streets , One fell with friends for fourteen dollars, And a man who has tried his best to pursue happiness.

    The Pursuit of Happyness : a story of a father and a son struggling in the bottom line of poverty . Run - This is the main theme of the hero"s life. In order to catch the bus, in order to catch the next business meeting, In order to live in the shelter at night, they must catch up in front of others.

    When the homeless father and son curled up in the bathroom with toilet paper on the floor. Facing the outside blatant flapping door of voice, The father enfolding his son"s ears not to let him hear——Perhaps this is the only thing he can do。The father"s love is limited but still moving.This middle-aged man"s tears, Including his guilt for his five-year-old son,responsibility,In middle-aged but still nothing of value and and the most eager desire for happiness.When his son playing basketball, he took off basketball, said to his son."You in many ways perhaps will be excellent, but not in basketball.But, don"t let somebody tell you you can"t do anything, Even if I was also not .If you have a dream, then you should go to defend it,Those nothing would have been trying to tell you that you will like them nothing.You have to believe that: If you have the ideal, try to achieve it. These words are not just to encourage his son, but also to cheer himself.

    Ask yourself: When you are in his situation, will it be desperate? Will you give up the dream because of the problem which can not be solved ?When Chris finally got the job of the stockbroker and wept,When he walked into the street against everyone with happy smile, When he took his son to his own house,Maybe in his heart, The period of time when he and his son depended on each other is his greatest wealth.

    The film tells us: It"s never too late to follow your dreams. As long as we still have strength to pursue.




    當幸福來敲門:一部講述掙扎在貧困底線裡的父子的故事。奔跑—這是主人公生活場景的主旋律。為了趕上那一班公車,為了趕下一個商務會面,為了這一個夜晚能住進收容所,必須趕在其他人前面排隊。當無家可歸的父子蜷縮在用衛生紙鋪在地板上的廁所裡,面對外面喧囂的拍打著門的聲音 ,父親捂著兒子的耳朵不讓他聽到——這也許是他唯一有能力做的了。父愛有限卻依舊讓人感動。這個兩鬢斑白的男人的淚水,包含了他對自己五歲兒子的愧疚、責任、年值中年卻依舊一事無成的挫敗感以及對幸福最熱切的渴望。




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