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    Be 動詞(is/ am/ are)與主語的搭配 A: Hi, Michael. How are you?B: Who are you?A: I am Julie.B: Oh, you are Julie. How are you?A: I’m good. This is my family. He ismy father. She is my Mother. They aremy sisters. We are going to Tianhe park. I amyouare theyweitis heshe 小結1.句子中主語“I/ You/ It/ They”與be動詞(is/am/are)的搭配:主語be動詞與主語的搭配例 句動詞與主語的搭配例 句I I am I am a boy.You You are You are a pig.It It is It is an orange.They They are They are students.

    2. 當句子的主語是單數名詞或複數名詞時,be動詞與主語的搭配:主語be動詞與主語的搭配例 句 動詞與主語的搭配例 句單數名詞,如:book, desk, shirt單數名詞+isThe book is blue.The desk is dirty.The shirt is beautiful.複數名詞,如:cats,dogs,students 複數名詞+areThe cats are small.The dogs are cute.The students are tall.My father and my mother are workers.

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