  • 1 # 使用者360706832743

    1.I would like to completely disregard the parent,or even defy Fuming,totally did not listen to the mother and begged friends to dissuade.I am of this nature,it seems destined to the future of my unfortunate fate.

    2.Unfilial my son,back on parents,not the bounden duty of God to punish me so soon,is fair and just.

    3.Alas!In fear of making their decision how ridiculous ah!Any reason to provide them all the way to protect themselves,once the heart of fear got the upper hand,they do not know how to use them the way.

    4.In particular,in this unfortunate situation,the guidance of God,I know him,begging for his blessing,it gave me great comfort.This happy enough to compensate I have suffered and may be subject to all there is more than unfortunate 1.我完全不顧父願,甚至違抗父命,也全然不聽母親的懇求和朋友們的勸阻.我的這種天性,似乎註定了我未來不幸的命運.




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