  • 1 # 兔子大米


    Big big world (Emilla)

    I"m a big big girl 我是個大女孩

    in a big big world 在這個大大的世界上

    It"s not a big big thing if you leave me 如果你離開我,那是沒有什麼大不了的

    but I do do feel 但我知道

    that I too too will miss you much 我一定會非常非常的想你

    miss you much... 非常非常的想你...

    I can see the first leaf falling 我能看見一片楓葉落下

    it"s all yellow and nice 那是多麼的金黃而美好

    It"s so very cold outside 外面真的非常冷

    like the way I"m feeling inside 就像我內心的感覺一樣

    I"m a big big girl 我是個大女孩

    in a big big world 在這個大大的世界上

    It"s not a big big thing if you leave me 如果你離開我,那是沒有什麼大不了的

    but I do do feel 但我知道

    that I too too will miss you much 我一定會非常非常的想你

    miss you much... 非常非常的想你...

    Outside it"s now raining 外面正在下著雨雪

    and tears are falling from my eyes 而眼淚從我的眼睛落下

    why did it have to happen 為什麼會發生這樣

    why did it all have to end 為什麼會結束

    I"m a big big girl 我是個大女孩

    in a big big world 在這個大大的世界上

    It"s not a big big thing if you leave me 如果你離開我,那是沒有什麼大不了的

    but I do do feel 但我知道

    that I too too will miss you much 我一定會非常非常的想你

    miss you much... 非常非常的想念你..

    I have your arms around me ooooh like fire 你的溫暖包圍著我就像火一樣

    but when I open my eyes 但是當我爭開眼時

    you"re gone... 你卻離我而去了...

    I"m a big big girl我是個大女孩

    in a big big world 在這個大大的世界上

    It"s not a big big thing if you leave me 如果你離開我,那是沒有什麼大不了的

    but I do do feel 但我知道

    that I too too will miss you much 我一定會非常非常的想你

    miss you much... 非常非常的想你...

    I"m a big big girl 我是個大女孩 in a big big world 在這個大大的世界上

    It"s not a big big thing if you leave me 如果你離開我,那是沒有什麼大不了的

    but I do feel I will miss you much 但我知道我一定會非常非常的想你

    miss you much... 非常想你

    I"m a big big girl   in a big big world   It"s not a big big thing if you leave me   but I do do feel that   I too too will miss you much   miss you much...   I can see the first leaf falling   it"s all yellow and nice   It"s so very cold outside   like the way I"m feeling inside   I"m a big big girl   in a big big world   It"s not a big big thing if you leave me   but I do do feel that   I too too will miss you much   miss you much...   Outside it"s now raining   and tears are falling from my eyes   why did it have to happen   why did it all have to end   I"m a big big girl   in a big big world   It"s not a big big thing if you leave me   but I do do feel that   I too too will miss you much   miss you much...   I have your arms around me ooooh like fire   but when I open my eyes   you"re gone...   I"m a big big girl   in a big big world   It"s not a big big thing if you leave me   but I do do feel that   I too too will miss you much   miss you much...   I"m a big big girl   in a big big world   It"s not a big big thing if you leave me   but I do feel I will miss you much   miss you much...

  • 2 # 娛樂小夏天


    yesterday once more-卡朋特兄妹,這首歌經典且簡單。

    God is a girl應該很多人都會唱這首歌,比較適合女生。

    Pretty boy這首歌簡單易學,英文單詞也都不是很難,而且也挺好聽。

    The day you went away這首歌的旋律很熟悉,也比較容易學。

    mad world-Adam Lambert,很喜歡的一個歌手,速度應該是推薦中最慢的。

    Gotta have you-The weepies,這首很小清新,速度還可以。

    The Cranberries-Never grow old,我覺得是我推薦裡最簡單的,歌詞就那幾句,一直重複。

    Baby one more time ,布蘭妮的,比較有節奏感。

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