  • 1 # 我心原心

    Letting you go..(please,somebody)放手讓你走(求求你 那誰誰) Letting you go..(please,somebody) 放手讓你走(求求你 那誰誰) Nah,I got this, 吶,現在我做到了 Still thinking about this thing called love 還在想著這個叫情的東西 It"s got me shaken up (please tell me there"s a way) 它讓我如地動山搖(請跟我說 還有出路) And it got my head just spinnin" round 它讓我腦子裡 天旋地轉 (please tell me there"s a way) (請跟我說 還有出路) Don"t wanna take a fall,it"s best to break it all 不想搖搖墜落,這樣結束所有最好不過 It"s gonna be better for you,move on 如是對你更好,接著這麼做 (please tell me there"s a way) (請跟我說 還有出路) My heart be breakin" , brealin" 我的心在碎落 碎落 I thought we"d make it,make it 我想我們做到了 做到了 But now we covered it all 現在卻又 重回舊路 Girl,I swear that I"ll stop lying, 女孩,我保證不再騙欺 It"s time that you should know 到現在你該知道 That I"d take your pain away if I go 只要我離開 就能帶走你的所有傷痛 And I can"t stand what I"m doing 我無法忍受自己此刻的作為 I hurt you everyday 我讓你終日受罪 I still love you ,but there"s no other way 即使仍然愛著你 卻別無他法 Baby,I should"ve known that our love could never last like this BABY,我早該知道 我們的愛 不能這麼繼續下去 Now I"ve got nothing,nothing to say 而今我無話 無話可說 Tell me goodbye,tell me goodbye 跟我道別吧 跟我道別啊 With those hands that hold me close 用那雙曾緊擁我的手 Tell me goodbye,tell me goodbye 跟我道別吧 跟我道別啊 Let me go 讓我離去 If leaving me will set you free,then turn and walk away from me,baby 如果離開我能讓你自由 那請轉身離我而去 BABY Tell me goodbye,tell me goodbye 跟我道別吧 跟我道別啊 Girl,you know I should be leaving 女孩 你知道我應該離開 It"s impossible to move on 無法再繼續下去 Your sad smile reminds me how far we"ve gone 你悲傷的笑 讓我意識到我們已不復以往 But I"ll shake away this sweet dream 我會驅散那甜美的夢There"s nowhere left to hide 現已無處可供藏躲 I"ll be choking back tears when you tell me goodbye 當你道別時 我會噙著淚水 Baby,give me one last taste 寶貝,請給我最後一個深吻Cause after this kiss 只因一吻過後 I"ll never find better,better than you 我就再也找不到 找不到比你更好的了 Tell me goodbye,tell me goodbye 跟我道別吧 跟我道別啊 With those hands that hold me close 用那雙曾緊擁我的手 Tell me goodbye,tell me goodbye 跟我道別吧 跟我道別啊 Let me go 讓我離去 If leaving me will set you free,then turn and walk away from me,baby 如果離開我能讓你自由 那請轉身離我而去 BABY Tell me goodbye,tell me goodbye 跟我道別吧 跟我道別啊 And I just fade into the background 漸漸地 我消失在背景裡 I ain"t what you have,it"s in the past,I"m what you had now 我非你所有 那是過去 現在我是你的“曾經擁有” And I look at you and see the pain that you put me through 我看著你 看著你帶來的傷痛 We running in circles and this thing we just couldn"t do 我們兜著圈圈 什麼都做不了 And I see the man standing right,right where I should be 我看著那男人就站在 就站在本應屬於我的位置 I was on my grind,so I had to make time for me 我被生生撕碎 該讓自己靜一靜 See the lies and it defines far from honesty 看著那些謊言 在深深地否定著事實 The time to say goodbye,and you ain"t stopping me 是時候告別了 你也無法阻止我 Without you in my life,you know I fade away(away) 若我生命中沒有你 你知道我會漸漸消失 Cause in the end,a part of me wants you to stay(stay) 因為到最後 有一部分的我還是希望你能留下 It leaving now means you can be free, 如果離開 意味著你能獲得自由 Then turn around and don"t cry for me 那請你轉過身 不要為我哭泣 For your sake,I"ll never look back again 為了你 我也不會再回頭望去 Tell me goodbye,tell me goodbye 跟我道別吧 跟我道別啊 With those hands that hold me close 用那雙曾緊擁我的手 Tell me goodbye,tell me goodbye 跟我道別吧 跟我道別啊 Let me go 讓我離去 If leaving me will set you free,then turn and walk away from me,baby 如果離開我能讓你自由 那請轉身離我而去 BABY Tell me goodbye,tell me goodbye 跟我道別吧 跟我道別啊

  • 2 # Apple241314

    就算一秒 也思念著你 就像個悲哀的 宿命 角色 只要你安然無恙 除此我別無選擇 Baby 愛情 果然會讓人受到傷害 I got nothing, nothing to say Tell me goodbye 緊緊相擁的雙手 Tell me goodbye 離開吧 假如你能把我遺忘重獲自由 Baby Tell me goodbye Girl you know 你的笑容 漸漸從臉上消失 責怪自己無法安慰你 只能迷失在一切光芒之中 Baby 從這片嘴唇離開的瞬間起 I never find better,

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