  • 1 # 那些哪些多久

      《A Man For All Seasons》  大俠“及時雨”  (備註:A Man For All Seasons 翻譯為大俠“及時雨”,比喻隨時隨地都會出現來保護你的人。  我還看到了其他版本的翻譯,比如:全年無休的人;四季之人;良相佐臣等,你也可以根據自己的喜好來選擇,呵呵)  One eye on the shadows protecting his fellows  黑暗中的慧眼 佑護著同伴兒  From sun up to the moon on his back  從日出東方到明月當空  Sent the villains to Hades  將邪惡一網打盡  A hit with the ladies  美女面前瀟灑風流  A stallion in the sack  魅力無邊功夫了得  (備註:若直接翻譯成“種馬風流”,我感覺有點兒那個……)  You can"t get your life back When right follows left Jack  如若在危難中左右徘徊 你就無法全身而退  The more you see the less you know  見得越多迷惘越多  When others would leak it ,His service is secret  別人貪生怕死洩露天機 唯有他卻能守口如瓶  Plays God when it"s your time to go  當使命來臨,他搖身一變成為救世主,  Queen and country safe and sound  女王與國家就此高枕無憂  With villains six feet underground  妖魔鬼怪被迫地下躲藏  And no one knows cause no one"s found  無人知曉只因無人察覺  Any trace of a man for all seasons  無人察覺到這位大俠“及時雨”  Loves them and leaves them alone, so alone  愛他們就給他們自由,孤膽英雄註定孤單  And you and I wouldn"t have a clue  你我都無法對此輕易定論  Who"s doing what, why, when and who  何人何時因何做著何事  Up the creek with no canoe  無舟過河絕對是天大的麻煩  Watch out for the man for all seasons-  所以千萬別忘記這位大俠 “及時雨”  Loves them and leaves them alone, so alone  愛就保持愛的距離,孤膽英雄註定孤單  But safe at home卻換來國泰民安  From the House of Lords Saving Norfolk Broads  從上議院將諾福克郡拯救  Commoners and landed gentry  無論是平民布衣還是達官顯貴  His word his bond  他的諾言堅不可摧  Whether brunette or blonde  無論是黑髮美女還是金髮尤物  Baby it"s so elementary  他都能輕而易舉虜獲芳心  For the man never messed up your life With one stare  因為他默默關注你 卻從不曾擾亂你的生活  See the film you"ll know how it goes  欣賞過電影你就會一目瞭然  But this ain"t no fiction  但這並非是憑空杜撰的  Just check the diction quid pro quo a pro"s pro  看看臺詞就是知道什麼是妙語連珠  Fellas  夥計!  Don"t be jealous  不必嫉妒  When they made him they broke the mould  他舉世無雙,獨一無二!  So charismatic  魅力之大絕無僅有  Willing, automatic  睿智,敏捷,與生俱來  Never prematurely shooting his load  穩健自如,從不鹵莽行事  Queen and country safe and sound  女王與國家就此高枕無憂  With villains six feet underground  妖魔鬼怪被迫地下躲藏  And no one knows cause no one"s found  無人知曉只因無人察覺  Any trace of a man for all seasons  無人察覺到這位 大俠“及時雨”  Loves them and leaves them alone, so alone  愛他們就給他們自由,孤膽英雄註定孤單  And you and I wouldn"t have a clue  你我無法對此輕易定論  Who"s doing what, why, when and who  何人何時因何做著何事  Up the creek with no canoe  無舟過河絕對是天大的麻煩  Watch out for the man for all seasons-  所以千萬別忘記這位 大俠“及時雨”  Loves them and leaves them alone, so alone  愛就保持愛的距離,孤膽英雄註定孤單  But safe at home  卻換來國泰民安  Queen and country safe and sound  女王與國家就此高枕無憂  With villains six feet underground  妖魔鬼怪被迫地下躲藏  And no one knows cause no one"s found  無人知曉只因無人察覺  Any trace of a man for all seasons  無人察覺到這位 大俠“及時雨”  Loves them and leaves them alone, so alone  愛他們就給他們自由,孤膽英雄註定孤單  And you and I wouldn"t have a clue  你我無法對此輕易定論  Who"s doing what, why, when and who  何人何時因何做著何事  Up the creek with no canoe  無舟過河絕對是天大的麻煩  Watch out for the man for all seasons-  所以千萬別忘記這位“及時雨”大俠  Loves them and leaves them alone, so alone  愛就保持愛的距離,孤膽英雄註定孤單  But safe at home  卻換來國泰民安  Queen and country safe and sound  女王與國家就此高枕無憂  With villains six feet underground  妖魔鬼怪被迫地下躲藏  And no one knows cause no one"s found  無人知曉只因無人察覺  Any trace of a man for all seasons  無人察覺到這位 大俠“及時雨”  Loves them and leaves them alone, so alone  愛他們就給他們自由,孤膽英雄註定孤單  And you and I wouldn"t have a clue  你我無法對此輕易定論  Who"s doing what, why, when and who  何人何時因何做著何事  Up the creek with no canoe……  無舟過河絕對是天大的麻煩……

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 成為自己有多難?