  • 1 # 芋泥啵啵奶茶g

    1、Sometimes when grownups say “forever” ,they mean“a very long time”. 有時候大人說永遠,他們的意思只是很長而已。

    2、Candy doesn"t need any meaning, because it"s just candy.糖果不需要任何意義啊,因為它只是糖果。

    3、I wouldn"t give up my family for anything.Not for all the chocolate in the world. 我說什麼也不拋棄家人,給我再多巧克力都沒用。

    4、Willy Wonka: Little boy, don"t push my button. 威利旺卡:孩子,別告訴我該怎麼做。

    5、Why everything here is meaningless.為什麼這裡的一切都毫無意義。

    6、Only a fool would give up his golden ticket and ask for money.只有傻瓜才會放棄金獎券,要錢那種俗氣都東西。

    7、Don"t let your child get close to your TV. It"s best not to buy, install, or anything stupid.千萬別讓孩子,靠近你的電視,最好是別購買、安裝,這最最愚蠢的東西。

    8、life had never been sweeter 甜美的人生不過如此。

    9、Charlie buchter is the luckiest child in the world, but he doesn"t know it yet.查理·布奇特是世界上最幸運的孩子,只是他還不知道罷了。

    10、The chocolatier is a loner, and he wants to pursue his dreams, no matter what the consequences.Look at me, I have no family, but I have remarkable achievements.巧克力製造商要獨來獨往,他要追逐夢想,不管後果如何。看看我,我沒有家人,卻有非凡的成就。

    11、If I move to a factory, I"ll never see my family again.若我搬去工廠住,我就再也見不到家人了?

    12、I don"t give up my family, even if I have more chocolate.我說什麼也不拋棄家人,就算給我再多的巧克力也沒用。

    13、Willy wonka got a better gift: family.威利旺卡得到了更好的禮物,那就是家人。

    14、There is one thing that can be very certain, sweet life is this.有一件事可以非常確定,甜美的人生莫過於此。

    15、Grandma Georgina: Nothing"s impossible, Charlie. 奶奶喬治娜:一切皆有可能,查理。

    16、Willy Wonka: Little boy, don"t push my button. 威利 旺卡:孩子,別告訴我該怎麼做。

    17、Dr. Wonka: Lollipops. Ought to be called cavities on a stick! 旺卡醫生:棒棒糖,應該被叫做小棍上的齲齒!

    18、Grandpa Joe: The only thing that comes out of that place is the candy. I"d give anything in the world just to go in that amazing factory.爺爺:唯一能從那個地方出來的是糖果。我願意給世界上任何東西,只要去那個令人驚歎的工廠。

    19、Willy Wonka: Everything here is eatable. I"m eatable, but that my children is called cannibalism and it is frowned upon in most societies.威利·旺卡:這裡的一切都可以吃。我是可以吃的,但我的孩子們被稱為同類相食,在大多數社會中都是不受歡迎的。

    20、Grandma Josephine: You smell like peanuts.約瑟芬奶奶:你聞起來像花生。


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