  • 1 # 我是王富貴1

    The Spring Festival is the most important festival for the Chinese people and is when all family members get together, just like Christmas in the West.這句話一說老外秒懂。其餘的內容,隨意發揮吧,網上大把資料

  • 2 # 青海大掌櫃

    The Spring Festival refers to the traditional Lunar New Year in the cultural circle of Chinese characters. It is commonly known as the "New Year" and its traditional name is New Year, New Year, and New Year. However, it is also known verbally as the New Year, the New Year, and the New Year. It is the most grand traditional festival of the Chinese nation.

    The Spring Festival originated from the worship of gods and ancestors at the end of the Shang Dynasty. It is the largest, most lively and most important ancient traditional festival in China. In Chinese folk, the traditional meaning of the Spring Festival refers to the festival of the first eight days of the lunar month or the festival of the 23rd or 24th of the day until the 15th of the first month, with New Year"s Eve and the first day of the first month as the climax.

    During the Spring Festival, Chinese Han and some ethnic minorities will hold various activities to celebrate. These activities are mainly based on the worship of ancestral gods, the commemoration of ancestors, the elimination of old cloth, the welcome of blessings, and the prayer of prosperity. The activities of the Spring Festival are colorful and varied, with rich ethnic characteristics. Influenced by Chinese culture, some countries and ethnic groups belonging to the cultural circle of Chinese characters also have the custom of celebrating the Spring Festival.



    在春節期間,中國的漢族和一些少數民族都要舉行各種活動以示慶祝。 這些活動均以祭祀祖神、祭奠祖先、除舊佈新、迎禧接福、祈求豐年為主要內容。春節的活動豐富多彩多姿,帶有濃郁的各民族特色。受到中華文化的影響,屬於漢字文化圈的一些國家和民族也有慶祝春節的習俗。

  • 3 # Mica學英語


    1. The Chinese Spring Festival, also called Lunar New Year, comes/falls on the 1st day of Chinese lunar calendar and ends with the Lantern Festival. It"s the grandest and most important festival for Chinese among all traditional Chinese festivals.


    2. 【起源】Legend has it that the "Nian"(year) was a very strong monster. People used red color and fireworks to drive it away. As a result, the custom of using red color and setting off fireworks remains.


    3. 【習俗】Couplets are pasted on both sides of the gates. And the Chinese character "Fu" is pasted upside down in the center of the door.


    4.【食物】Dumplings and reunion dinner are indispensable at this time. Fish is also an essential dish, which expresses people"s wish for a wealthy year.



  • 4 # 海恩y

    I suggest that December 26 of each year shoud be set as China Christmas day.

  • 5 # 中考英語咖哩老師


    ⭐️中國年 Chinese New Year

    ⭐️春節 The Spring Festival

    ⭐️除夕 New Year"s Eve

    ⭐️團圓飯 family reunion dinner

    ⭐️春晚 The spring festival gala

    ⭐️元宵節 The Lantern Festival

    ⭐️紅包 red envelope

    ⭐️壓歲錢 gift money

    ⭐️煙花 fireworks

    Let’s go light some fireworks !


    ⭐️爆竹 firecrackers

    Let’s go light some firecrackers !


  • 6 # 五角星

    春節就像西方的元旦節一樣,是中國最大的節日。The Spring Festival, like the New Year"s Day in the West, is China"s biggest festival.

    中國的農曆,以春節為新年的第一天。the Spring Festival is the first day of Chinese Lunar New Year.

    在春節,所有的人都趕著回家團聚,春運是世界最大的人口流動。During the Spring Festival, all people rush to go home for reunion. Spring Festival travel rush is the largest population flow in the world.

    在春節,親戚們會相互拜年,發紅包。During the Spring Festival, relatives greet each other and send red packets.

    大家還會聚在一起看cctv的春節聯歡晚會。We will also get together to see cctv Spring Festival Gala.

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