  • 1 # 木雨青風



    3.【auxiliary ve】助動詞



    6.【conjunction】:連詞,如 and, but, if. since,連線兩個單詞或兩個句子。

    7.【countable noun】:可數名詞,指可以計數的名詞,可數名詞有單數和複數兩種形式。例如:

    8.【determiner】:限定詞,如 a, the, that, my,這些詞放在名詞前起限定作用

    9.【future from】:將來式,用於談論未來的事,和 wi, shall, be going to

    10.【infinitive】:動詞不定式,動詞的基本形式,可以帶 to 或不帶 t

    11.【infinitive without ‘to"】:不帶 to 的不定式

    12.【-ing’fom】:以 -ing 結尾的動詞,可用於進行時態,也可用於某些動詞後。

    13.【intransitive verb】:不及物動詞,其後不能跟賓語

    14.【linking verb】:系動詞,be, become, fee, seem 都是系動詞。系動詞把主語和形容詞或名詞短語連線起來,對主語進行描述

    15.【modal verb】: 情態動詞,may, must. would 都屬於情態動詞,情態動詞通常放在動詞不定式前。情態動詞的單數第三人稱

    16.【noun】:名詞,表示人、物、地方、性質等。例如:Where’ s Linda?; Go to my room and fetch my bag, please: Unemployment is a problem in London.

    17.【noun phrase】:名詞短語,名詞短語的功能和名詞一樣。代詞、名詞、形容詞修飾的名詞等都是名詞短語。例如:She arrived; The old man smiled

    18.【object】 賓語,表示動詞作用的物件的名詞短語。在大多數的陳述句式中,賓語跟在動詞後。例如:She ate a sandwich; I locked the door .

    19.【passive form】:被動形式,像 was given, were taken 這種形式。在被動語態中,主語通常是受到動詞影響的入或物。例如:Many trees were destroyed; A decision was made by the committee.

    20.【past participle】:過去分詞,用在完成時態或被動語態中的動詞形式。很多動詞的過去分詞以-ed 結尾,如 talked, jumped, decided,也有不規則的,如 been, had, given, taker, seen.

    21.【past simple】: 一般過去式,動詞過去式的形式,用於談論過去的事情或情形。例如:I saw him last night; We talked for ho ours.

    22.【past tense form】:動詞的一般過去式,用在表示一般過去時的句子中。很多動詞的一般過去式以 ed 結尾;如:talked, jumped, decided。不規則的過去式如:was/were, had, gave, took, saw.

    23.【perfect from】:完成時態的形式,由 have 和動詞的過去分詞形式構成。


    25.【preposition】:介詞,後跟名詞性短語或動詞的’-ing’形式的單詞,如 with。例如:He stood near the door; Alice is a friend of mine; This knife is for slicing bread.

    26. 【present simple】:一般現在式,用於討論習慣性的動作或永久的事實。動詞的一般現在式或用動詞原形,或是在動詞後加 -S。例如:I go to work by car;She loves him.

    27.【progressive form 】:進行式,用於談論正在進行的情形,由 be 加動詞的形式構成,例如:I am enjoying this party; We were having dinner when he phoned.

    28.【pronoun】:代詞,避免直接稱呼某人或某物時,用代詞來替代名詞。例如:John took the book and opened it; He rang Mary and invited her to dinner

    29.【subject】:主語,一個名詞性短語表示人或物是動作的直接執行者,一般放在動詞前。例如:Tom laughed; The tree fell over.

    30.【superlative】:形容詞或副詞的最高階,後跟 -est 或前面加 most。例如happiest, most intelligent, most carefully.

    31.【to’- infinitive】:帶 to的動詞不定式;例如:I like to drive; She wanted to leave.

    32.【transitive ver】: 及物動詞,既帶主語又有賓語的動詞,例如:She dropped made dinner.

    33.【uncountable noun】:不可數名詞,無法計數的名詞,無複數形式,其後動詞用單數形式。例如:He shouted for help; We got very wet in the rain: Money is not important.

    34.【verb】: 動詞,表示某人或某物做了什麼、怎麼樣了等。例如 She slept till 10 o" clock in the morning; I ate my breakfast quickly.

    35.【Verb phrase】:動詞短語,由一組單詞構成,具有動詞的作用。動詞短語可以是一個單獨的動詞,或者是動詞和一個或更多的助動詞連用。例如: She laughed; We must leave, He could be lying:;I’l call you, tomorrow

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