You are not affected because this is a freelancing company. If Amelia don"t talk to you she won"t earn anything. You can just simply call other tutors if you like. Even if she fails to cancel your class due to an emergency which happens to all adults, you can just simply call other tutors. There is also no such thing as attendance or account credit in Cambly. Amelia is the one who cancels and even if you do, it won"t affect you. I also don"t think she will sit down and tell you she is waiting and pretend she does not receive a call. She won"t earn if she does not answer the call. As what I know, Cambly is no work no pay. Even if you miss a reservation, you don"t come she won"t get anything too. In summary, Amelia cancels, you can choose another tutor easily. No account credit involved. Amelia will only get paid if she is in a video call with or without a reservation.
後來在網上,我發現有很多Amelia的學生都遇到過類似的問題,但是其中不少人還是堅持繼續pick Amelia。
還有人說:“聽說Amelia提升成績快、人很嚴格就去試了下,屬於挺難約到的老師,並且在第一次課她就遲到了..並且沒有道歉.. 態度算不了很好的那種,的確也會說到中國的學生怎樣怎樣不好。但是一節課能提供很多新的思路也是真的。壓力會很大但是我還是在約她,就當訓練一下抗壓能力了。如果各位有雅思託福之類的考試想快速提高的話找她是沒錯了,一節課感覺學了三節課的東西,我上完課感覺大腦過載。”
You are not affected because this is a freelancing company. If Amelia don"t talk to you she won"t earn anything. You can just simply call other tutors if you like. Even if she fails to cancel your class due to an emergency which happens to all adults, you can just simply call other tutors. There is also no such thing as attendance or account credit in Cambly. Amelia is the one who cancels and even if you do, it won"t affect you. I also don"t think she will sit down and tell you she is waiting and pretend she does not receive a call. She won"t earn if she does not answer the call. As what I know, Cambly is no work no pay. Even if you miss a reservation, you don"t come she won"t get anything too. In summary, Amelia cancels, you can choose another tutor easily. No account credit involved. Amelia will only get paid if she is in a video call with or without a reservation.